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Tweeks POV

i stood behind the counter waiting for someone, anyone, to walk into the store. the coffee shop was so much quieter than usual. my dad asked me to cover for him so he could have the night off and spend it with my mom, i didn't mind; it was sweet he wanted to spend time with her. i grabbed a cloth and started cleaning tables, i had already cleaned them 3 times before but i was unbelievably bored so it gave me something to do. i did feel a little bad having to cancel on the guys but i really had no control over it. 

after i cleaned the tables, i walked over to the counter and made myself a coffee. a few moments later i heard the door open, i placed my coffee on the counter behind me and looked up to see Craig standing at the counter "hey tweekster" he smiled at me, "h-hey c-craig, i t-thought you h-had to stay home?" i smiled back it him "oh that, yeah i lied to the guys, it wouldn't have been fun without you" he smirked at me, i started blushing a little but nothing noticeable. "its awfully quiet tonight, why'd you have to work?" "o-oh m-my dad wanted the n-night alone with my mom so he asked me t-to c-cover for him" i smiled up at craig, he smiled back at me "aw thats sweet, i want a relationship like them someday" craig started blushing a little and sat down at the breakfast bar. 

"o-oh d-do you want a coffee?" i asked craig cheerfully "sure, vani-" i cut him off and finished his sentence for him "vanilla bean latte, i know" i smiled at him and made his coffee for him. i handed him his coffee and we began chatting "so, tweekster. any fun plans for the summer?" craig asked with a smile. "u-uh GAH n-no, i t-think i'll be working a-a lot" i smiled back at craig and turned to clean the coffee machine. 

Craigs POV

   i looked up from my coffee and opened my mouth to open to tweek but before i could say anything the shop door opened "well, well, well.." i turned around and saw clyde and tolkien standing in the door way 'shit' i thought to myself "o-oh hey guys" tweek said to them as he cleaned the coffee machine, "now Craig Tucker, i thought you had to stay home?" clyde had a suspicious look in his eye while looking at me "i- um, my dad changed his mind so i came here to hang out with tweek-" clyde cut me off mid fake explanation "hmm, craig a minuet outside" clyde grabbed my arm and dragged me outside while tolkien and tweek spoke inside 

"dude what? i was-" he cut me off again, man he was pissing me off tonight. "how long dude?" he smirked at me "w-what?" "how long have you liked tweek?" clyde continued smirking at me "clyde what are you talking a-about" i tried to stop myself from smiling but i couldn't, i looked down at the ground so he didnt see my smile. "well, after you messaged the group i was already a little suspicious because even if your dad had told you to stay home, there was no way you would have listened" clyde continued smirking at me and it was starting creep me out "okay dude im sorry but that doesnt mean i-" "uh criag im not finished, i started to realise that you never do anything with us if tweek isnt there and then it began to dawn on me. ive noticed the way you look at him, the way you get lost in the duded eyes, and man you blush every time he opens his mouth.. so, how long have you like his craig" clyde put his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes, i sighed "since the 5th grade.." i replied and looked back down and the ground. 

"WHAT!!!" clyde yelled, i looked up at him and signalled for him to shut up. "dude you've like the guy since we were 11?? dude thats not just a little crush, you're in L, O, V, E" clyde smiled at me before he continued talking "wait.. hold on, craig.. you're gay!" i really dont know how after all that it didnt click in his mind "i-i um.." i looked back down at the floor and started to tear up a little "hey its okay dude, theres nothing wrong with it" clyde gave me a quick hug then patted me on the shoulder, i leaned against the wall and looked up at the sky and clyde done the same. "are you going to tell him.." clyde turned to look at me, "i dont know, maybe.. i mean he's straight.. if he was gay or bi even he would have told me, hes my best friend we tell each other everything.." i sighed while keeping my focus on the sky "are you sure? i mean you didnt tell him you're gay.. maybe he feels the same, you never know dude" clyde patted my shoulder and headed back inside the shop. hearing that made me think.. a lot..   

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