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Tweeks POV

craig and i have been together for 3 years now, i love him so much but i somehow feel like he doesnt love me as much anymore.. we moved in together after highschool and we still work at the coffee shop together. maybe its because we see so much of each other he's getting sick of me.. i havent been able to clear my mind of this issue since we moved in together.. we have been fighting alot recently too, i was scared our relationship was coming to an end.

"hey tweek im home!" i heard craig shout as he walked through the front door, i was sitting on the sofa watching tv "o-oh hey c-craig" i turned to him and smiled. he sat on the sofa next tome and started kissing me.. everywhere. i shuffled away from him and just kept looking at the tv "honey whats wrong?" craig spoke in a soft tone while keeping his hand on my thigh, i moved his hand and stayed quiet. "tweek babe, talk to me" he leaned in to kiss me but before he could i stood up and walked into the kitchen. craig done this everynight, he would disappear to either work or to hang out with clyde and tolkien. then come home, we would have sex then he would barely talk to me for the rest of the night.. every single night.. i felt used 

"honey.. please.." i heard craig whisper behind me while he held onto my waist. i started tearing up a little before turning to him "l-lets w-watch a movie" i spoke up while moving him away from me. "hmm i dont want to watch a movie" craig gave me a sexual smirk and pinned me against the kitchen counter, i pushed him of me and walked through to the living room "im sick of it craig! not tonight okay!" i yelled at him before sitting down on the sofa. he stayed silent and just stared at me. "you disappear every night and god k-knows w-w-what you get u-u-up to!! then you come h-home F-F-FUCK ME THEN JUST THROW ME A-A-ASIDE!" i screamed while keeping my attention on the tv. "are you fucking serious? you know i work hard i deserve my-" 

before craig could finish his sentence i grabbed my phone and left the house slamming the door behind me, i didnt know where i was going i just started walking. i didnt care what craig had to say after that. after a while of walking i found myself outside kyles home, him and stan lived together. they say as roommates but everyone knows they're dating its so obvious. i walked up to kyle front door and knocked quietly, kyle answered the door to find me standing there with tear filled eyes.. 

"oh hey tweek are you okay?" kyle asked placing a hand on my shoulder, "c-can i s-sleep here t-t-tonight" i sniffled and wiped my eyes. "sure dude come in" kyle gave me a sympathetic smile and welcomed me into his home. stan came walking down the stairs a couple minuets later to see what was going on. i explained the whole situation to them both, what had been going on with craig, the argument and how i just left. "oh tweek, listen you're free to stay here as long as you need okay?" stan smiled at me while handing me a cup of coffee, "t-t-thank you guys.. i k-know i o-o-ver reacted but-" i was interrupted by kyle "dude no way! you're not over reacting" kyle gave me a smile then his phone started to ring "oh just a sec tweek, hello?" kyle stood on the next room while taking the call while i sat in the living room with stan "oh yeah, he's here i told him he could stay for a few days, he told us what happened and-" i heard kyle say from the next room.

after a couple minuets kyle came back through into the living room and sat with me and stan. "w-was t-t-that.." i asked calmly looking at the floor. "yeah, i told him you were here and not to worry about you" kyle smiled at me before turning on the tv. we watched a couple of movies before there was a knock at the door. we all looked at each other before stan got up to open the door. "oh hey dude, listen-" stan started to talk before being interrupted by the one voice i really did not want to hear. "can i see tweek.. please". i walked towards the front door and looked at craig, stan walked away from the door and sat next to kyle on the sofa. i stood outside to talk to craig, i looked up at him and we stood in silence for a couple seconds before i opened my mouth "w-w-what?". i spoke with a pissed off tone, i didnt want to see craig at all right now 

"look tweek, im sorry but-" that was all i needed to hear to know craig wasnt here to apologise. "c-craig l-look, i feel u-used a-a-and i need space. j-just leave me alone for a couple d-days.. p-p-please" i started to tear up and noticed craig was too. "so thats it? one little fuck up on my end and you're ready to throw it all away..?" craig started crying before walking away from me. "i-i love you craig.. b-b-but you've been acting s-s-s-so different lately.. i-i-i'll be home in a couple d-days.." i mumbled before going to open kyles front door, i heard craig say one more thing before leaving. "do you promise..?" 

i nodded keeping my attention focused on the door, i stepped back inside kyles home and made my way up to the room they had set up for me. i say down on the bed and started to cry, i hadn't cried this much in years. i just knew after tonight my relationship with craig was coming to an end. i was scared, infact.. i was terrified.   

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