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Craigs POV 

it was now the 3rd week of summer, i hadnt seen alot of the guys since the night i confessed to tweek about how i felt. we started seeing each other but not 'dating' more of a situationship type of thing.  tweek and i had spent every day together and i even got myself a summer job at his families coffee shop just so i could be with him everyday. we hadnt told anybody we were seeing each other and i dont think it was obvious, we kind of just ignored everyone after the night at tolkiens. 

tweek was working today and it was my day off so i decided to head over to the store and hang out with him for a bit, when i reached the store i noticed clyde and tolkiens bikes were outside 'oh fuck' i thought to myself. i headed inside the store noticed clyde and tolkien sitting in on of the booths and tweek was standing being the counter. i pretended not to notice clyde and tolkien, they hadnt done anything wrong and i really couldnt explain why i was ignoring them and had been for the past 3 weeks. 

i smiled over at tweek and sat down at the breakfast bar "hey tweek" i sighed sitting down, "oh h-hey craig i didnt see you come in" he smiled back at me and instantly started making me a coffee without me saying anything, i loved him for that. i really wanted to officially ask him out and to be my boyfriend. but i wanted it to be romantic, and lucky i had set something up for him while he was at work. i felt bad i had been ignoring the guys so i decided to head over and talk to them. "hey babe ill be back over in a sec." i spoke quietly to tweek as he turned around and smiled at me. "hey clyde.. look im sorry about-" i started to say before clyde interrupted me "aw hey dude whats going on, i havent seen you in weeks! i mean i assumed after what happened you and tweek got closer and yeah.. how you been man?" clyde rambled on a little bit before letting me talk again. "oh um, yeah tweek and i are kind of seeing each other and- " clyde started fan girl screaming after i had said that, tweek looked over at us giving me a worried kind of look. 

i waited for clyde to calm down before continuing to talk "dude calm down its not like were dating, just like a, casual thing you know?" i started blushing, i think they could tell how much i liked tweek. "ohhh i got you dude, friends with benefits huh?" clyde winked at me before taking a drink out of his coffee he had sitting in front of him. my eyes widened "what dude no! its never went further than making out.." i sighed and looked down at the table, "i mean neither of us has been in a situation like this before so we went to take it slow.." i mumbled while looking down, i felt tolkien pat me on the shoulder "dont worry dude, if he didnt like you he wouldnt have stuck around. just ask him out" he shot me a quick smile then removed his hand from my shoulder. 

i hung around with them at the table until the left and tweek had to close him shop.  we headed back to tweeks place where i was spending the night as his parents were going out of town for a while. i cooked dinner for us before we sat down to eat and watch a movie, i let tweek pick the movie tonight because i picked nearly every other night. he chose to watch 'legally blonde' not my favourite but if it makes tweek happy it makes be happy. after the movie had ended i took out plates through to the kitchen and placed them in the dishwasher. as i was standing up i felt tweek hug me, i turned around to face him and i kissed his forehead gently

"are you honey honey?" i asked tweek giving him a smile. "yeah, uh.. c-craig. i- i- um.." he was fumbling over his words i pulled him into a hug "whats wrong babe? you can talk to me" i gave him another kiss on the forehead before tweek pulled out of the hug. "i-i-i- uh.. think i m-might be, um, ready.. to.. uh.. w-well" i smiled down at him and grabbed his hand "are you sure? if youre not ready please dont force yourself honey" i leaned in and gave him a solf kiss on the lips. i went to pull away but before i could i felt tweeks arms wrap around me and he kissed me passionately. i placed my hand on his waist, he pulled away from the kiss and looked into my eyes "c-craig... im ready.." 

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