Chapter 13

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Tweeks pov 

i stared at craig in shock, him down on one knee asking me to marry him. i stood there looking at him for what seemed like an eternity. Craig's smile slowly started to fall into a frown, i was frozen. i slowly smiled and began to open my mouth "yes.." 

"what?" craig asked not hearing my quiet reply. "YES I'LL MARRY YOU!" i screamed at the top of my lungs, craig stood up of the ground placed the gorgeous ring on my finger and picked me up in his arms. he connected his lips with mine and spun me around ever so slightly. Craig placed me down back on my feet and looked into my eyes "does this mean you'll come home?" i kissed him in the cheek "of course i'll come home" i smiled at craig. 

"awwh that was beautiful you guys!" i heard stan yell, fake crying from behind us. neither craig or myself had noticed them come back. i walked up to stan and kyle giving them both a hug "t-thank you g-guys for letting me stay" i smiled at them both "oh don't worry about it, i know you would have done the same for us" kyle hugged me and gave me a little pat on the back. i walked inside to pack my things while craig waited outside. 

Craigs POV

i stood outside and waited for tweek to gather his things before we headed home, i cant believe he accepted my proposal. i was soooo happy. i was going to propose to tweek before he came to stay at stan and kyle's but with all the fighting it wasn't the right time. when i spoke to clyde about everything and he forced me to talk to tweek i decided just to go for it, the worst that could have happened what that he said no.. or laughed at me..

"hey dude, congrats" kyle smiled at me patting me shoulder, "thanks man" i smiled back at him. kyle walked back inside the house and tweek walked out the door with his suitcase he had left with a couple weeks ago. "ready?" i helped tweek with the suitcase, he gave me a slight nod and we headed home. 

once we arrived home tweek headed upstairs to unpack his things, i turned on the tv and the news was being covered on every channel. "huh must be something huge.." i quietly said to myself, tweek walked down the stairs and joined me on the sofa. "w-whats g-going on?" tweek asked me in a puzzled tone "i have no idea" i kept my eyes focused on the tv eager to find out what had happened. 

NEWS REPORTER : there has been a massive pile up on the freeway, out of everyone who was involved we, sadly, only found one survivor amongst the damage. he is stable and being rushed to hospital as i speak. families are being contacted immediately 

"damn.. that's horrible" i gripped tweeks hand just lucky we didnt happen to be driving today. i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, i pulled it out and noticed i was getiing a call from clyde. i answered the call expecting him to be calling about the news.  

me : hey dude did you see the news?

there was a silence on the other end, i had a feeling it wasnt clyde who called me

clyde : am i speaking to Mr Craig Tucker?

me :yeah, who is this?

clyde : my name is Dr Shepheard, you were placed as Mr Donovan's emergency contact.

my heart dropped, i stayed silent for a couple seconds before the doctor continued talking 

Dr Shepheard : Mr Tucker, Mr donovan was in a car accident, he is stable but in a comatose state but should be okay.

i gripped my chest and sighed in relief that clyde was okay, "i'll be right there!" i hung up the phone turning around to tweek "clyde's in the hospital.. he was the survivor in the car reck.." we rush out the door, jump in the car and race off to the hospital. then it hit me, i wasn't clyde's emergancy contact.. Bebe was then it was me.. why did they call me?  

we arrived at the hospital and were quickly led up to clydes room, he was laying in a hospital bed with a million tubes attached to him. "tweek, can you stay with him i need to ask the doctor something?" "of course babe, i'll be here" tweek shot me a quick smile while i walked out of the room, i quickly found a man with the name tag 'shepheard'. i could only assume that was who called me earlier. "hey um, Dr Shepheard. i'm Craig tucker you called me about clyde" i introduned myself to the doctor "can i ask why i was called, i'm not his emergancy contact.. his fiancée is. did you call her? her name is Bebe Stevens-" i was interrupted by the doctor placing his hand on my shoulder, "Mr Tucker.. Miss Stevens was also in the accident.. she didn't make it" 

i stumbled back wards and almost collapsed on the ground 'she didn't make it' those words made my heart shatter, bebe was like a sister to me.. she was getting married.. she was having a baby.. 

i made my way back to clydes hospital room and collapsed into tweeks arms and broke into tears "honey.. w-what happened.." tweek asked me trying to piece together what was going on "Bebe.." i struggled to get any words out, i didn't want to say it out loud.. it would make it all feel way to real 

"C-craig? Bebe what..?" tweek looked at me, holding onto my waist helping me keep my balance. i heard slight movement from behind me before i heard the last voice i expected to here "i was driving Bebe to the hospital.. she went into labore.. some jackass swerved into us and cause a pile up.."   i turned to face clyde who was barely awake "did.. is she.. okay?" clyde asked, i didn't have the heart to tell him what Dr Shepheard had just told me moments before. i ran out of the room to get a doctor. 

we arrived back to the room and the doctor explained everything to clyde, tweek took at his side holding his hand while i stood in the door way trying not to break. time felt like it was going in slow motion, it went from silent to the only noise filling the room were clydes screams of what i can only describe as pure heart break.. 

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