Chapter 8 -

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(this chapter contains sexual language )

Craigs POV

i was a little startled at what tweek had just told me, but also quite happy. i took his hand and led him up the stairs to his bedroom then i remembered, i set up rose petals, some nice romantic lights and had set chocolates and flowers on tweeks bed. i decided to try something different because today was the day i was going to officially ask him to be my boyfriend. i stopped outside his room door and just waited for him to open the door. "c-craig? w-whats going on?" tweek asked sounding a bit worried, i kissed his forehead and signalled for him to open his bedroom door. i was a concerned he would want to wait a little while longer before, um taking things a bit further intimately, but it wouldnt bother me much if he agreed to be my boyfriend 

tweek continued looking up at me, "open the door tweek" i smiled at him warmly, he turned away from me and opened his bedroom door. he gasped loudly as he looked round the room at the little surprise i had set up for him. "i-i- craig did you do this??" he turned around to look at me, he had a huge smile on his face and i could tell he was tearing up a little. i took a step closer to him and held his waste, i looked into his eyes. "tweek.. would you be my boyfriend?" 

tweek wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. "soooo is that a yes?" i qiggled at him a little "o-of c-course its a y-yes!" he jumped up into my arms wrapping his legs around my waist, he kissed me again before resting his head on my shoulder. i walked us over to his bed and lay him down on his back, i was about to sit up when he pulled me on top of him and kissed me passionately. he ran his fingers through my hair gently pulling it every couple seconds causing me to moan a little through the kisses. 

Tweeks POV 

after i heard craig moan as i pulled his hair i wont lie i got really turned on, i could feel myself getting hard. craig pulled away from the kiss to let us catch our breath, be touched his nose against mine and closed his eyes. i was ready for him to just take me then and there, he moved down a little and started to spread my legs a little. craig started to unbutton my jeans before looking up at me "are you sure you're ready?" he smiled up at me, i froze.. i couldnt say a word.. i was ready, i knew i was.. i just, "i-i-.. im  GAH going to take a shower.." i jumped of the bed and ran to the bath room.. what was going on with me.. i wanted craig, i wanted him so do all sorts of things to me.. 

i turned on the shower, got undressed and stepped in the shower. i turned on my phone and put my playlist on shuffle, my playlist consisted mostly of taylor swift, troye sivan and the 1975. 'style' by taylor swift started playing through my phone speakers, it was my all time favourite song. anybody who knew me knew that one little detail about me. i started singing, it didnt even cross my mind that craig might here me.  

Craigs POV  

i sat there confused, i didnt mean to make tweek uncomfortable in anyway. i heard running water a couple seconds later, i sat on tweeks bed and then i heard slight music coming from the bathroom. i could hear my now boyfriend singing, i had never heard him sing before.. he had a beautiful voice, i dont think he noticed that i could here him but im really glad i could. "We never go out of style! you got that long hair slicked back, white t-shirt-"i heard tweek singing from the bathroom, 'of course he's singing style' i thought to myself, his voice was angelic. it truly was the most amazing sound i have ever heard  

i started thinking about him more, his messy yet surprisingly soft blonde hair, his lovely green eyes, his adorable pale skin and his light freckles. oh my god hes so perfect. i wonder if he would still be ready to take things further tonight, i got up and walked out of tweeks bedroom and headed over to the bathroom. 'i guess we'll find out' i thought to myself, as i reached the bathroom i heard the water shut off but i could still hear him singing. i slowly opened the bathroom door and walk in to see tweek standing completely naked and drying his hair with a towel 

i could feel my pants tighten around my crotch, i looked down to notice i had a boner. i felt my self start blushing and i looked back up at tweek. he was still drying his hair and humming along to another taylor swift song that was playing on his phone, i was surprised he hadnt noticed me, i slowly walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "GAH!!" tweek yelled before turning around to look at me, i giggled a little at his reaction. he had an adorably scared look on his face, he grabbed his towel and tried to cover himself up. he was blushing like crazy, it was adorable 

i moved in closer to him and held his waist, he grabbed the bathroom counter and allowed me to kiss him. i move my hands from his waist, sliding them down and placing them on tweeks ass. he left him jump a little, i stopped kissing him and looked down into his eyes. tweek moved his hands away from the bathroom counter and placed them on the side of my face, he leaned into my ear and whispered in a seductive tone "i want you"   

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