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(this chapter contains smut)

Craigs POV

It has been a few days and tweek still hadn't come home, i left him several calls and texts but he was refusing to talk to me. i ever called stan and kyle to ask if i could talk to tweek but they both said it wasn't a good idea. i missed tweek, i wish he would come home so we could talk things out, i didn't realise what i had been doing and how much it affected tweek. i really did feel bad but.. well i really don't have an excuse for the way i had been acting.

i was sitting on the sofa watching tv, my mind wondering thinking of every situation imaginable. was tweek going to come home? was he going to leave me over something that could be talked out? i didn't really feel like our relationship was in danger but the thought wouldn't go away. i heard the front door open so i turned around to see tweek standing in the door way, he looked sad and angry. i had never seen him look so angry at me. i got up and walked towards him and gave him a hug "im glad you're home" i started to tear up a little before pulling away from the hug, i also noticed tweek didn't hug me back..

"honey im so sorry, i love you" i smiled at tweek and leaned in to kiss him but he moved his head away not letting me kiss him. "tweek?" i stared at him for a couple seconds before tweek walked up stairs. i followed him into our room "i-i-i c-cant d-do this craig.." tweek turned around to look at me with tears in his eyes "babe im so sorry but we can talk things out and-" i was interrupted by tweek "l-l-look.. c-craig.. i l-love y-you but.. i c-cant keep d-doing this. a-all the f-fighting.. all t-the a-arguing a-and everything. i c-cant keep doing this.." tweek started to chock up and looked down at the ground before turning towards our closet and grabbing a suit case. 

"tweek what are you doing.." i just looked at him, was he leaving me.. "i-i l-love you c-craig.. i-i've loved y-you m-my whole l-life but y-you make me so a-angry.." tweek started packing the suit case with clothes and some other things, i walked over to him and pushed the suit case out of his hand and pulled his face to look and mine and kissed him. i didn't want him to leave, i dont think i could handle him leaving.. he kissed me back and our kisses slowly turned into making out, he grabbed my waist and we stumbled back onto the bed. tweek lay on his back and i lay on top of him. i pulled away from the kiss and looked into tweeks eyes, his gorgeous green eyes. "please dont leave me" i whispered before kissing tweeks neck. 

tweek pushed me off him and jumped off the bed "GAH! S-SEE THIS I-IS W-WHAT IM TALKING A-ABOUT!" tweek started yelling at me while i just sat there looking dumbfounded at him. he stopped yelling at me and placed his head in his hands "i-i'm not l-leaving you c-craig.. i just n-need some space"  i got up off the bed and walked over to tweek, i held him in my arms. i knew he would be going back to stan and kyles home but i didn't know how long for this time. he hugged be back and started crying. i placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him again, he slowly pushed me towards the bed before pushing me down and climbing on top of me. 

"i-i'm d-done being c-controlled! i w-want t-to be in control for once" tweek whispered while looking into my eyes. i didn't say anything, i just nodded and continued looking at tweek. he started kissing my neck leaving some hickeys on me, i started moaning softly while he done so. he noticed myself start to get hard, tweek sat me up and removed my shirt. i removed his shirt as well before he pushed me back down into the bed. he slowly moved his way down in between my legs and started to un button my jeans. then it actually hit me 'wait a fucking minuet.. i've never been on this end before' i thought to myself. tweek pulled my jeans and boxers off before taking of his own sweatpants and boxers. he leaned over me and started kissing me again, he pulled away from the kiss and reached to our bed side table grabbing a bottle of lube

he covered my entrance and his cock with lube, he slowly pushed his cock against my hole. he leaned in and whispered in my ear "this m-might hurt", tweek slowly pushed his away inside of me and nibbled at my ear. i started moaning loudly from both pleasure and pain, my eyes started to fill with tears. i grabbed onto tweeks waist and pushed him further into me. tweek started slowly thrusting back and forth clearly not wanting to hurt me, "faster" i whispered into tweeks ear and oh my god he listened. tweek thrusting faster and faster, tears escaped my eyes while he did. he grabbed my hands away from his waist and pinned them down next to my head 

tweek started thrusting harder keeping the same pace, i never thought i would enjoy being on this end of sex but i was soooo wrong. he made me feel things i hadn't felt before, "oh my g-god, tweek i-im going to cum!" i yelled through my moans, he removed a hand away from my wrist and covered my mouth "d-did i s-say you c-could?" tweek spoke back in a firm tone and holy shit, that was so hot. my eyes started to roll back into my head, i couldn't hold it back any longer. i came all over my stomach and tweeks chest. tweek continued fucking me for a couple more seconds before he came inside my ass. he slowly pulled out, grabbed some tissues i had on our bed side table and cleaned us up. tweek stood up of the bed and got dressed while i did the same.

after we were dressed i kissed tweek on the forehead "i love you tweek" i smiled at him expecting him to unpack his suitcase and stay.. but that wasn't what happened. tweek grabbed the suit case and made his way out of the bedroom and down stairs. i stood at the top of the stairs watching him walk away.. "i-i l-love you c-craig, i'll b-be h-home i-in a c-couple d-days" tweek walked out the front door, i couldn't believe he left.. i slowly sat myself down on the stairs and sobbed. i placed my head between my knees and cried, i had never cried this much before.. i felt so hurt, i didn't feel complete without tweek. 

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