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(This Chapter contains smut)

Craigs POV 

i found it hard to control myself after hearing tweek say those three words to me, those words played over and over again in my head. i moved my hands down to the back of tweeks thighs, lifted him up and sat him in the bathroom counter. tweeks head stayed next to my ear and he started slowly nibbling on my ear lobe, i left myself getting harder with each little nibble. i glanced down at tweeks lap and noticed he had also become hard, i had also completely forgotten that he was naked, seeing his hard dick along with him slowly biting my ear made me moan "aw fuckk" tweek moved away from my ear and ran his fingers through my hair. i held onto tweeks waist and leaned in to kiss him but he stopped me just as our lips where about to touch

"i want you so badly.." i whisper to him and touched my nose against his. tweek moves his hand onto my shoulders and whispers back the single most seductive i had ever heard "then.. have me"  kissed him passionately, i picked him up of the bathroom counter without braking the kiss. i carried tweek into his room and lay him down on his bed, positioning myself between his legs like we had been before tweek went for a shower. i lean in and start placing soft kisses on his neck, i heard tweek start to moan a little so i started gently biting his neck leaving him covered in hickeys marking him as mine. 

i moved my face away from his neck and started kissing him, i slowly started biting tweeks bottom lip. he opened his mouth giving me permission to let my tongue explore his mouth, i slowly slid my hand up his inner thigh causing him to moan even louder than he had before. i sat up and tweek gave me a sad look "a-are you o-okay?" he asked me, i unzipped my hoodie, removing it and my shirt before laying back on top of tweek. 

we started kissing again, while doing so i started to remove my jeans before tweek grabbed my and moved me onto my back so he was sitting on my lap. i placed my hands on his hips and bit my lip as tweek began to slowly grind against my groin. i felt so much pleasure it was unreal, i had never felt this much before. he is so perfect.. so sexy.. so hot.. 

i coudlnt hold myself back much longer, my boner was beginning to bother me. "oh god, t-tweek please" i moaned throwing my head back on the pillow. tweek moved down my body, slowly licking my neck, then my chest and finally my stomach before stopping and my crotch. tweek started to pull off my jeans and boxers "i-i- i hope y-you wont make wearing j-jeans this tight a habit" tweek smirked at me and before i knew it i felt tweeks tongue against my dick, slowly licking it. 

"oh my god" i moaned, tweek grabbed one of my hands and placed it on the back of his head. i grabbed his hair, after a couple seconds of tweek teasing he placed my dick in his mouth and started sucking. i was so close to cumming but before i could tweek pulled away and climbed back on top of me. he reached over and grabbed a bottle of lube from his bedside table. tweek leaned in and whispered into my ear "craig i need you" he moaned a little while saying so. 

i flipped tweek over on to his stomach bending him over, i grab the lube away from him and cover my dick with it. i slowly pushed myself into him, trying not to hurt him. "oh my- fuck" i heard tweek moan into the pillow. "does it hurt?" i asked in a worried tone, as i waited for him to respond he started moving his hips back and forth "just fuck me already!" tweek moaned, that turned me on so much.

i placed my hands on his waist and started slowly thrusting in and out, this felt fucking amazing. "oh my god y-your so tight" i barely managed to get the words out, i was in heaven. i heard tweeks moaning getting louder and hungrier. it was so fucking hot. as i pushed myself in and out of him he started screaming in pleasure. i was so close to cumming already, i reached around and started stroking his dick. tweek started moaning louder and louder, i could tell he was really close 

i leaned in and whispered into his ear "cum for me baby", i knew it done something to him because he screamed my name and then came all over my hand and his bed sheets. shortly after i came inside him, i pulled out and we both collapsed onto the bed. we were panting like we had just ran a marathon. we sat in silence for a little while as we cuddled into each other, i looked over to him and kissed him on the forehead. "i love you tweek" i said warmly while kissing him. "i-i love y-you too". tweek snuggled into me and we both drifted off to sleep 

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