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Tweeks POV

i stood and spoke to tolkien while clyde and craig spoke outside, i wonder what they were talking about. after a couple minuets clyde walked back inside while craig stayed outside "h-hey clyde is c-craig okay?" i smiled at clyde and leaned on the counter "ah yeah hes fine, he just needed some air-" clyde smirked at me before turning to tolkien "oh dude, remember that one thing we thought about that one guy?" i was sure they were talking about craig but i didnt say anything "oh yeah?" tolkien sounded excited and smiled at clyde, clyde didnt say anything. he just nodded and smiled and tolkien "wow.. holy shit dude" tolkien replied to clyde. craig walked in a couple seconds later "h-hey craig" i smiled at him and i started to blush a little bit but i wasnt sure if anyone noticed "yeah, hey craiggg" clyde smirked at him in a way ive never seen before "anyway dudes, we gotta get going, school tomorrow you know, anyway bye!" clyde grabbed tolkiens arm and dragged him out of the store. i wonder what all that was about 

it was just myself and craig left in the store, we chatted for a while and before i knew it; it was 8PM. "oh s-shit i g-gotta close up the shop" i sighed and started cleaning up, craig automatically started to help clean like he always done. it made me happy that he always helped me. after everything was done i changed the sign to 'sorry we're closed', we stepped outside and i locked the shop doors. we started walking home and i felt craigs hand on mine, i stopped walking and looked up at him "c-craig? i-is e-everything okay?" i smiled up at him "yeah, im great" he smiled back at me, it was a little dark outside but i could tell he was blushing. i felt his grip on my hand get stronger 'OH MY GOD.. CRAIG IS HOLDING MY HAND, ACT COOL TWEEK. ACT. COOL' i thought to myself 

i started walking again and i felt his grip on my hand getting loose so i gripped his hand back, he stopped walking and turned to look at me. he had a happy kind of look in his eye, he pulled me into a hug wrapping his arms around my neck. my head was leaning against his chest and i could hear his heart beating really fast, i hugged him back wrapping my arms around his waist. i thought i heard him whisper something, i pulled away from the hug and looked up at him "d-did you say something?" i smiled up at him and started blushing. "uh, n-no" craig smiled back me, i looked deeply into his eyes, his eyes were a gorgeous deep blue, i felt safe looking into his eyes. 

we continued walking and we reached our homes, he gave me a quick hug "ill see you tomorrow?" he spoke with a gentle and loving tone "y-yeh of c-course" i smiled and headed up my walkway to my front door. i was greeted by my dad who was sitting on the sofa along with my mom who was asleep, "hey son, how was the shop?" my dad whispered now wanting to wake my mom "a-aw it was good, craig came a-along and hung out for a bit, i-it w-was really quiet today" i whispered back before heading into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. i grabbed my coffee and made my way up to my room, i drank my coffee and lay down and drifted off to sleep 

Craigs POV 

i sat on my bed thinking about the conversation i had with clyde and what just happened with tweek. maybe clyde was right.. i thought i only liked tweek, being in love never even crossed my mind until i held him in my arms. i never wanted that moment to end but sadly it did. i couldn't stopped thinking about tweek, i wanted to see him again.. and now that clyde knew about my sexuality, i felt like i needed to tell tweek before he could. i told tweek everything, i should have told him about how i felt, maybe not that i loved him but the fact that i'm gay.. he's my best friend, i shouldnt be scared to tell him.. 'UGH get it together tucker' i said to myself. i lay down on my bed and went to sleep. waiting desperately for the next day to come along. 

The Next Day 

i sat up in my bed and reached over to grab my phone, i noticed i had a couple messages from clyde 

Clyde : hey dude, tolkiens having us over this weekend for a game and movie night. i already checked with tweek and hes able to make it so dont worry about making any excuses 

Clyde : dude, cmon are you in or not???

Me : sorry dude i've literally just opened my eyes, yeh im in 

i got up out of bed, got dressed and made my way to the school and prepared for my last day. i woke up later than usual so i had to walk to school alone, i reached the front doors and saw clyde standing talking to tweek. i was terrified he was going to tell tweek about what we talked about yesterday.. i started walking towards them "hey guys sorry im late" i smiled and reached my arm up to put it around tweek but i stopped myself and rubbed the beck of my neck instead. "o-oh hey c-craig" tweek smiled at me warmly, he was adorable. we walked into the school and headed to our classes 

 i really wanted to tell tweek how i felt, but i knew if we were both at tolkiens home this weekend i would have privacy to tell him since i knew we would be sharing a room, seeing as every time we spent the night at tolkiens home him and clyde always shared a room so me and tweek had to. i finally had a little bit of a plan to tell tweek everything.. after all these years of keeping this one huge secret to myself. 

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