Chapter 12 -

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Craigs POV 

it had now been two weeks since tweek last came home, we had spoke over text but i hadn't seen him, i asked to see him continuously but he always replied 'i just need time'. i didn't mean to hurt him and im sure he knew that. i decided to call up clyde, we had stayed friends after high school. he lived with Bebe, they had been engaged for a couple months and had a baby on way. i still couldn't believe clyde was going to be a dad.

i dialled clyde's number into my phone and after a couple rings he answered

clyde : hey dude whats up? 

me : are you busy? i need help 

clyde : nah dude i'm free i'll be over in a couple mins 

clyde hung up the phone, i quickly got dressed and made my way down stairs and waited on clyde to arrive. about 10 minuets later there was a knock at the door before it opened, clyde had a key to my house so it wasnt unnatural for him to just walk in. "hey man, so whats up?" clyde sat on the sofa next to me, i sighed and explained everything that had happened the last couple weeks, "so he left and hasn't been home since, im worried dude.." i said through slight tears trying not to break down "dude.. for one, i'm you're best friend how can you not have told me you guys were having problems? and two, you gotta apologise man" clyde looked at me with a look combined with both shock and sympathy. 

"i tried! i've tried to apologise constantly but he wont listen to me.. and i didn't tell you because i didn't think it would turn into a huge issue and tweek would have been home by now" i sighed looking down at the ground. clyde held the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath "how?" "what?" i quizzed him "how did you TRY apologise?" clyde looked at me and frowned "i'm sorry for hurting you, but-" clyde interrupted me immediately "DUDE YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" clyde yelled and stood up of the sofa dragging me out the house "care to explain where you are taking me?" i chuckled a little as clyde basically threw me in the passenger side of his car 

we drove in silence, it took a minuet but i realised we here driving to Kyle's home "why are we-" i started talking before clyde interrupted me again "you are going to apologise properly, i'm not letting you guys break up and by what you've told me it sounds like YOU- not tweek- YOU are the one who is letting things fall apart" clyde kept his eyes on the road but he had a very angry look on his face. "dude i'm the one who is trying to keep us togeth-" "no. no you're not, if you were, you would have been at that door on your knees the day he left FOR THE SECOND TIME" 

we pulled up outside kyles home a couple minuets later, i caught a glimpse of tweek in the down stairs window. he looked happy.. clyde jumped out the car and went to the the front door while i stayed in the car 

Tweeks POV  

i was standing in the kitchen making myself a cup of coffee, stan and kyle had went out to get some shopping while i stayed 'home'. i was really thankful for them letting me stay with them while i tried to figure things out with craig. i heard a loud knock at the door causing me to jump "GAH! JUST A S-SECOND!" i yelled placing my freshly made coffee on the kitchen counter, i walked to the door and opened it to see clyde standing with a sad yet angry look in his eyes "o-oh hey c-clyde" i smiled at him "Craig told me whats been going on, now he's my best friend and i usually don't pick sides but i'm completely with you on this one. he promises to change tweek, please just here him out.. now i've got to get home to Bebe i promised i wouldn't leave her alone for to long" clyde rambled on before walking back to his car and craig stepped out of the passenger side. clyde sped off, i never knew he cared so much about mine and craigs relationship..

craig walked up the steps to the front door and looked me in the eyes, "i'm sorry tweek.. i'm so sorry i hurt you but i promise i will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you" craig had tears forming in his eyes and he placed one hand in his pocket "the r-rest of y-your life h-huh?" i smiled a little at craig. Craig removed his hand from his pocket and i could tell he was holding something "tweek tweak, you are the love of my life, my best friend, my soulmate, my whole world. you have made me happier than i ever thought i could be-" craig slowly got down on one knee and pulled out a black velvet ring pox before continuing "i'm sorry for everything i have put you through these last few months, and if you would allow me.. i would like to spend the rest of our lives making it up to you. so.. Tweek Tweak, will you marry me?"  

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