Chapter 17

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The following two days, Brian and I slept in past 11 while Lucy got herself up at 4:30 to make rounds. Being a cardio goddess meant no breaks. I must have slept nearly 13 hours after I got home from the bar. Even though I wasn't doing 7 hour long surgeries like my roommates being a surgical floor nurse kicks your ass - especially when the floor is short staffed. I'm on my feet for 18 hours a day, at least. Whether it's standing next to a world class surgeon for hours handing him or her tools, or assisting or checking in a patients who have little to no patience for nurses or anyone that makes their life uncomfortable.
For once, I had woken up to quiet and empty house. Not having any concern for when my roommates would be back, I went down stairs to make a cup of coffee in just my undies and a teeshirt without a bra. My quiet bliss only last two cups and section B of the New York Times before I heard the door open and shut. I nearly had forgotten about my appearance until I heard Brian's voice chime in with someone else's. Mr. Black's. My stomach dropped. I looked like I just woken up, which I had but it was 12:30 in the afternoon. I'm 24 years old, I shouldn't be sleeping that late. "Her cars here which means she probably here - let me see if I can find her." Brian assured. Shit.
I leaped out of my seat and hid in bathroom. The only way to get upstairs is through the kitchen and towards the front door which meant I'd be seen. "Here come into the kitchen, help yourself I'll find her. Anna?" Brian yelled. "Oh hot coffee and the New York Times, she's here!" Brian joked. As James putted around the kitchen, I anxiously prayed he didn't have to use the bathroom. Brian returned to the kitchen thankfully quick, "you know she's not here. Which is weird, but maybe she ran down to the mart or she's at the neighbors or something. I'll tell her you stopped by though."
Mr. Black thanked him and made his way out. Just as the front door shut I busted out of the bathroom door.
"Brian!" I yelled making him nearly jump out of his skin.
"AH Anna!!!" Brian yelled back gripping his chest. "You scared the shit out of me. Where were you? I called your name like 5 times."
"I was hiding in the bathroom! I'm barely dressed!" I defended myself while laughing hard.
"Oh!," he laughed catching his breath while eyeing my lack of an outfit. "Yeah that guy from last night stopped by again. I went for a run outside and he caught me on my way in."
"Yeah, he lives over there." I pointed to the brownstone, "he's got a couple of kids. I know him through the neighborhood."
"Did you like date him or something and that's why last night was so weird?" Brian asked giggling - it bothered me how invested he was in this.
"No, no. Nothing like that." I smirked and made my upstairs. If only he knew.
Later that day I decided to walk over to James and pay a visit. After two knocks a refreshed looking James opened the door with a child attached to his hip. The little boy wrapped around James body was the spitting image of him. Same piercing green eyes and floppy hair that was blonde instead of salt and pepper.
"Hey," James said lingering on his Y's as he opened the door. "Your boyfriend must have told you that I stopped by. Come in, come in." James said gesturing me inside.
"Yes he did! Sorry I wasn't there.." I shyly said hoping he wouldn't catch onto the lie. " Brian isn't my boyfriend. He only said that last night because he thought you were on an old flame." I confessed giving a playful wink. I tried to get the best look of the house inside. It was simple but classic, his front door led right into a living room decorated with comfy leather couches and paintings of flowers and ocean sceneries.
"Oh, I understand." He smiled. As I let the silence set in i distracted myself with the cute little boy between us.
"You must be Liam!" I exclaimed grasping his attention and a shy smile. "You gotta be what at least 10? 12?" I teased leaning in.
"I'm five," the little voice squeaked.
"Five?! Holy cow." I winked back. Before I could say anything else Liam got antsy.
"Daddy, let me down I want to show your friend something." He pleaded. Before I knew it Liam was dragging me to a set of trains in the living room telling me about how new they are. "What should I call you?" He asked, so polite and innocent.
"Call me Anna. Anna Banana," which resulted into the cutest five year old giggle I had ever heard.
"Hey sweetie, Daddy is going to talk to Miss Anna Banana in the kitchen are you ok?" James asked as Liam distracted himself with the toys. A quiet nod lead us to back up into the kitchen. We both still had a perfect view yet only with a kitchen island in between us and Liam.
"He's not too good with adults." James confessed as we looked on to him. "He's painfully shy but the way he took onto you was so cute. I hope he's growing out of it or maybe he just finds that there's something about you he can be with." I smiled at the weight of the compliment and let it sink in. "So! How are you doing? Can I get you something to drink?" It seemed like this was going to be a longer visit.

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