2 Months Later

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It was two months later and I found myself calling Ryan my boyfriend. Our first date romantically ended with a kiss on my front steps and our second date was planned only two minutes later. He called from the car begging to see me again and we were out again the next night. And then next, the following and the day after that. We were back and forth, living out of each other's apartments, falling for one another. 

Since I had passed my boards, I could start working at Boston Children's hospital before I had even technically graduated. With only a week left until my graduation Ryan was helping to plan every part of my graduation party. We would be hosting it at my apartment with his family and our friends attending. It was weird only dating for two months and moving so fast, but it felt so right. I loved his mother. Only a month into our relationship, Ryan's appendix burst. It was the middle of the night, after one of our "adult sleepovers" when he woke up screaming. I rushed him to the hospital blaming myself. While he had been gone the whole week, I felt bad for not taking it more seriously when he briefly mentioned it when I picked him up from the airport earlier that night. I sat in the waiting room in yoga pants, a tee shirt, no bra and sweatshirt. My make up still smudged and my hair desperately pulled back. It was quite the first impression, but luckily she didn't hold it against me. She was now planning and organizing a party for me. 

James had popped up into my life randomly within those two moments. Random bills or neighbourly run ins, but there was a tension. Our once joyful and laughter filled relationship had dwindled. I missed him..

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