chapter 6

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“Where are we going?” I asked rolling down the window.

“Beacon Hill,” He said pulling reverse.

            “Are you nuts?? I can’t afford that, Beacon apartments can be close to $2,300 each month in rent and I sure as hell don’t have any friends for roommates.” I exclaimed but he didn’t seem to care.

            “Don’t worry about, I’ll take care of it Ms. Hilder” he said softly as we weaved through traffic.

            “You can call me Anna, like the rest of the world.” I defended.

            “It’s not professional Ms. Hilder.” There was something about how every word that rolled off his tongue was said perfectly smooth.

            “Beacon Hill will take an hour to get to in this traffic,” I said huffing every breath.            

            “Well then I suppose its good you made our appointment today after your last class,” He said every word like it was correct, which it was actually.

            “What do I tell Leo then?”

            “Does it matter, these papers are going to him late tonight anyways.”

            “Mr. Black, I told you I have to find an apartment first.”

            “I’m well aware of that, that’s what were doing right now. I’m finding you a nice, safe and good apartment.” He wasn’t a very good driver, when he talked he got distracted and our car swerved a bit to the left before he caught himself, finally a flaw of Mr. Black.

            “Mr. Black, you do know I’m a college student, with no job and no financial support since all my tuition has been paid with scholarships and financial aid. I can’t afford to live on Beacon Hill.”

            “Just trust me Ms. Hilder okay?” He ansrewed letting the car swerve a bit, I nodded and decided I wasn’t going to provoke anymore discussion for my safety. We pulled up to a nice looking townhouse, it was big and had dark red brick complimented with white windows and a gold knocker on the door.

           Before we knocked on the door, a middle-aged woman opened it right away. “James!” She hugged him, kissing each cheek. Soon as he pulled back there were slight red marks of lipstick on each cheek. I giggled. “James! Good to see you! Now introduce me to the Mrs. Black, gosh, if I have ever seen such a well fitting couple!” Before I could explain, he stepped in.

            “January, this is Anna. She’s not the official Mrs. Black yet, you see we want to move in together. Yet the age difference is a little shocking for her family so moving in together would be a bit disastrous, so I was thinking your apartment here would fit her well.. She would be close to me and you have had this offer out for me for a while now,” Mr. Black explained as January led us in.

            “How smart James! Well you have come to the perfect place. I am the owner of the building but I have renovated it to sophisticated apartments. I don’t live here, its pretty much total independency. If you have any burning needs or desires you would contact me otherwise. Your space is your space, when you want to move out we sit down and discuss the cost and such. We only take on special renters due to the uniqueness of the apartment. Now I’m sure you know, that James brought you here because I’ll give you the space for the lowest rent you can imagine. He got the most wonderful divorce for nearly free when all of this was once taken from me. How long do you see yourself here Miss future black?” I looked at Mr. Black for an answer; he had seemed to have all of them before.

            “About six months,” He answered.

            “Very well. Well I think $250 a month for rent will due. I have to collect at least something. You have my smallest apartment but with the help I have received from your wonderful finacé James, it is the least I can do to ever repay him,” her smile was endearing as she gazed at us. “Now where is the ring?” She asked staring at my bare hands. Lost for words again Mr. Black stepped in, again.

            “Its getting resized, of course I got it a size too big. I was pretty close though!” He laughed backing away from us and walking around the wood floors looking out.

 It actually wasn’t a bad apartment at all. It had a decent kitchen that led a to big empty room with windows looking out onto Beacon Street and adjacent from the kitchen was a full bath. I’d figured my bed would be in the living room, which would do for the size and price.

            “Well, I’ll let the happy couple walk around as I get the lease, please be nosey its yours now!” She smiled and quickly exited. Leaving us to what was called "Our Appartment." 

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