Chapter 12

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Later that night Jackson arrived right on time, 7pm sharp. I looked in the mirror one last time before I opened the door, I wanted to look casual but the type of sexy casual. I slipped on my favorite pair of light wash skinny jeans that were actually needed on this breezy May night, neon yellow flats and a skin tight v neck shirt. It was my favorite "sexy casual shirt". It was made out of thin but tight yet stretchy material and had a very low cut V that looked excellent with a good push up bra. I accessorized with my big pearl earrings and a long gold chained necklace that had a gold circle that fell right on the sternum of my chest. I tried to fix my hair one last time on my way to the door, I couldn't get the clip to pull my curls back the right way so I just gave up and threw it into a bun.

"Come in!" I shouted as I made my way over. Just as I finished the bun he walked in, "hey!" I said softly giving him a kiss. His large hands pulled closer into his body as we kissed.

"You look gorgeous, seriously you make the simplest things look sexy, jeans and black tee shirt.." He said as he walked in and closed the door giving me a quick peck.

"Ehh there's a little more to it than that," I teased. We caught each other up on our days and sipped the wine we brought while the lasagna finished baking. I was desperately hoping he wouldn't pry too much about my past, not today at least.

"So this is my first time at your place, and I'm seriously impressed. How'd you snag such a great place?" He asked peering his head around. "Like not to be rude but your just about to graduate college and this must have cost a fortune."

"Umm it's actually pretty low rent. I kind of had a connect with the landlord, long boring story.."

"Well I'd loved to hear it sometime.." He said smiling and touching my hand as we sat across from one another. Just as I leaned in to kiss him the oven buzzed letting us know the lasagna was done. "Wow this looks so great, I'm starving." He said taking the plate from my hand to sit down at the table. Before I even had my favorite teal dinner napkin on my lap Jackson was already putting overflowing spoonfuls in his mouth. I guess it was cute the way he ate it like a dog with rabies, he must have been really hungry. As his the corners of his mouth dripped with sauce he smiled and complimented the dish.

About his fifth spoonful in he asked "Um, Anna, is there garlic in this?" He said catching his breath.

"Yeah, why?" His question almost didn't phase me until I heard the fork clink on the plate and his face turn pale as he gripped his throat coughing.

"I'm- allergic!" His throat was closing and by the rate of the breaths he barely sucked in it must have been pretty severe.

I shrieked and jumped up, "Do you have an epi pen!?!" He nodded, "WHERE??" He then pointed to his coat. He looked worse and worse every second as I frantically searched his coat pockets for it. Finally in the last pocket I checked I found the small square device. I ran over, took off the cap and stabbed it into his leg. Within a couple of seconds his face turned back to a normal shade of New England pale and he could breath.

"I told you... I was allergic." He huffed out. "I mentioned it like four times our last date, remember I told that story of the how I found out I was allergic, very similar to what just happened." He breathlessly laughed.

"I'm sorry, I just must have forgot when I was making it.." I felt so bad, I nearly killed this poor almost doctor.

"Uhh, it's fine. You would think this wouldn't happen with two people in the medical field.." He joked.

"Yeah.. I'm so sorry again,"

"You know what it's fine. I just think I'm going to go home. Hanging out on the edge of death can really make someone tired. I'll call you," And just like that he was out the door. As I sat there at a table with two dirty dishes and two filled wine glasses but only one person here. I felt compelled to leave and just pretend I almost didn't kill the best shot I had at a normal love life. I grabbed my old grey sweatshirt and pulled it over as I headed out for a walk, because I knew he wasn’t going to call.

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