Horse riding

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•Y/n has a passion in horse riding and it is also her career and Demi loves to go out on the horses with y/n and talk,ride and relax•

A/n- before we start i realize horse riding isn't something everyone dose or enjoys, so sorry for that.

-Y/n pov-

I was out riding Aurora when i got a call
"You alright dems?"i ask
"Yeah i was was just bored and wanted to see what you are up to"
"I am just out riding Aurora. Do you want to meet at the stables and we can go for a ride together?"
"Ummm sure what time should i aim to get there for"
"Maybe around 1pm i shouldn't take long to get back"
"Alright see ya then baby be safe love you"
"I will love you too"

With that i hung up.
"Alright ros looks like we are going home" i said stroking her head.
After about 10 minutes in to then ride back we have about 10-15 more to go so i ask Aurora if she want to test her memory but of course she is a horse so she can't respond.
"Hey ros do u want to see if you can remember the way home if i let go of the reins.

Once we get back i see demi waiting near the gates on her phone.

"Baby!!" I shout to get her attention
"Hey gorgeous" she walks over to me and Aurora (you are still on her back)
"I see you were out with Aurora again"she giggles taking the reins.
"Bubs if you are trying to say i have favorites i love all my children equally" i say bending down slightly to give her a kiss.
I get off Aurora and give her a snack and turns to demi.
"So what do you want to do"she questions giving me hugs now i am on the ground.
"Well i was thinking we get Sienna and Tigger out for a ride"
"Sounds good to me. Only if i get Tigger" she smiles
"Who is picking favorites now "i giggle going to get Demi's helmet.

-Demi pov-

Me and y/n were in a field with Tigger and Sienna talking about her day and how Aurora was, y/n says she doesn't pick favorites but i know Aurora if her favorite child but i couldn't blame her she was y/n first ever horse and she got her with her own money (which she was very proud of) and she loved that horse with everything she had.

"So bubby how was your day" she asked snapping me out my thoughts.
"It was good bit sore from last nights match but nothing i can't handle"
"My poor bubby" she says in a joking way
"Oh hush you" i giggle
"Anyway i met up with the boys and had some fun out on the town and went home to my children now i am here with my gorgeous girlfriend" she giggles at the last part and i got to admit it was a bit corny.

As time passed we started to head back to let the horses rest from their long outing.

-y/n pov-

We put Tigger and Sienna back and give them a snack i turn to demi and say
" i am going to get Bami and do some jumping with him then we can head home unless you want to go now?"
"I can stay i love to watch you and Bami plus i don't see him as much as i do the others" she smiles taking her helmet off as we go get Bami and get him ready for jumping.

Bami is my newest horse out the lot i have and he is my best for shows but as good as he is he still is a little cautious about jumping so its something i am trying to work on over time and each time he shows improvement which i am proud of him for.

-Demi pov-

I stood watching y/n and Bami jump and he was doing so much better than the last time i saw him practice.
I was on my phone was i saw a text from 'TJD' group chat so i opened it.

(I am not using there real names sorry)

Finn: Hey guys had a lot of fun today

Damian: same here had a good time

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