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• y/n and demi finally get some alone time in TJDs locker room only to be cut short•

-Y/n pov-

Me and Demi finally got some alone time we had been on the road for a while and didn't get the privacy we wanted, the boys were out in a match leaving me and demi in the locker room. I was sat at the vanity putting on mascara knowing we have a promo after the boys match.

"Missed this" she said walking over as i stand up wrapping her arms around my waist she placed a kiss on my forehead "same,its been too long" i smiled looking up at her placing kisses along her jaw my fingers drawing circles between her shoulder blades making her hum "how about we enjoy it" she smirks my fingers tangling in her black hair.

She presses her lips to mine still black with the lipstick she uses her tongue going across my bottom lip asking for entrance which i gladly accept, our tongues fighting for dominance which Demi took her hands traveling to my ass gripping it and lifting me up wrapping my legs around her waist placing a hand on her jaw one of her hands lets go pushing the boys bags and clothes on the floor sitting down our lips still connected me sat on her lap "Princess ~" Demi hums parting our lips her hands leaving my ass traveling up my body to the bottom of my shirt "can i?" She asks looking at me "do what ever you need" i reply moving a bit in her lap to try and create friction "oh princess you are so needy" she smirks pulling my shirt off revealing my dark purple lacy bra "damn" she muttered making me smile "like the view" "every time" she smirks her fingers dragging alone the top of my breasts a breath leaving me making her smirk again, her hands snaked to the back of me undoing my bra watching it fall as she picks it up tossing it across the room she hums her fingers making their way to my breasts grabbing them making me gasp "do you like that princess?" She says raising an eyebrow lowering her head licking my nipples making me wiggle and moan a little "come on demi" i slightly grind on her to create friction again "patience princess mami will make you feel good".

She puts her mouth on my breast i groan feeling her hot breath and her tongue playing with my nipple, her hand slowly making its way to my shorts her hand sliding in i gasp feeling her fingers and a ring touch my clit "demi~" i say tilting my head back from the slight pleasure "that's not my name princess" she says as i feel her other hand slap my ass "sorry mami" i say bucking against her hand to feel something "ah ah princess" she says i wine when her hand moves away "mami will do what she likes" she smirks leaving hickeys down my neck and on my breasts "demi we have the promo" i managed to get out "let people see" she says adding more to the artwork she has created.

Just as demis hand went back into my shorts  her fingers teasing my clit making me moan "mami~"  "hey rhea y/n-" me and demis heads quickly i pressed my front to demi so no one could see my exposed chest "Get out you three!" She yelled her arms wrapping around me "oh sorry!" We hear along with laughter and the door shutting "i am sorry princess looks like we have to go" she says giving me one more kiss having some passion behind it "we will finish this later" she winks standing still carrying me to the door then setting me down "can you pass me a hairbrush" i say before we leave "sure" she says doing it her self "thanks love" i smile giving her a peck putting my bra and shirt on feeling demi's gaze on me before we leave to find the boys.

"Well look at who it is" dom smiles "shut it" i say holdings demi's hand " hey y/n you got a bit of black lipstick" he says with a smug smile and my hand flys up to wip it off i see Demi fixing hers "we aren't the ones who fucked in the locker room" Damian says with a smirk "we aren't the ones who dont knock before walking in" demi snaps back putting her arm around my waist now pulling me in whispering in my ear "wait till we get in the car" her breath hot against the side of my face her tongue quickly licks my neck "keep it PG for now you two were have to go out now" Finn smiles at us.

We all walk over to the entrance ready for our song to play i feel demis arm slip off me her hand give my ass a little squeeze, i look at her she was looking at me her blue eyes looking back into mine she looked gorgeous her belt over her shoulder her hair slicked back "stop eye fucking its time to go" Damian says giving me a little nudge.

The promo ended we all walked into the locker room "god its a mess" dom says i giggle and demi smirks giving me a hug from behind pressing her front to my back "i have something in the car for us" she whispers in my ear "lets hurry then" i smile looking back at her she lets go grabbing the bags we say are goodbyes slightly in a rush we leave the building and find our car putting our bags in the boot and we climb into the backseats "what's the surprise" i smile at her "this" my eyes follow her hand and watch her grab a large black strap on my eyes widened, i knew demi had large strap ons but not like this "ready princess" she smirks unzipping her jeans putting her strap on "come sit princess" she smiles as i take my shorts off straddling her kissing her neck moving against her...

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