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• part two of Doms sister. Rhea and Y/n are on the date but when they go back to work have the others found out the secret •

-y/n pov-

"This place is lovely" i smile walking into the restaurant linked arms with Rhea "well i looked it up and its the best in town" she smiles at me "only the best for us" i say kissing her cheek as well walked up to the counter "reservation under the name Bennett" she smiles at the woman behind the counter "ah yes mrs and mrs Bennett this way" i blush "oh we are not married she is my girlfriend" Rhea says looking at me "oh i am sorry" "its alright" i say not wanting her to panic.

"So what you having" Rhea says looking up from the menu "ummm the spaghetti bolognese" i smile closing the menu "what about you" "i will have the... steak" she says pointing at it. After we ordered we sat around talking "so what you doing about work and all that" she says looking at me "well i booked a lot of time off two weeks to be exact but after that i have to go back but i will be back and all that" i smile "don't leave meee" she laughs and i do to "i am sorry baby i don't want to" i say pouting "then don't work with us" she smiles holding my hands "i will think" i smile we continue talking about random subjects and when i saw her smile and laugh i swear i fell in love with her all over again.

We just finished eating and it was one of the meals i have ever had "that was so good" i say "it was!" I look over at her "want dessert?" I asked "what is there" i opened the menu then put it down again "me" i smile laughing "don't tempt me" she winks smiling "we should get going you got another busy day" i smile "yeah but dom said i could have you sooo" she smiles as well get up "want to give back to my hotel its only Damian next door" she smiles "sure dom wont mind" we leave the restaurant hand in hand again walking to her car "my lady" she says opening the passenger door "thank miss Bennett" i laugh getting in as she walks round the car and gets in. The car ride to the hotel was fun we were singing laughing messing around it made me feel like a teenager again.

We arrived at the hotel hand in hand walking to the elevator "when you get in dont mind the little mess of clothes" "its alright i had to share a room with my brother last night his room was most probably worse" i smile at her.

We walked up to her room she scanned the key card and opened the door i walked in sitting on the bed "oh i dont have any clothes" i say remembering " it's okay you can wear my hoodie and the shorts you have on underneath" she says chucking me a hoodie "thank you" "anything for you darling" i put the hoodie on and it was really comfy so cuddle myself in it breathing in her smell from it "this is mine now" i say smiling up at her "what's mine is yours" she looks at me "well it is a bit big but it will be fine" she says walking to sit by me on the bed "so are we going to tell the others?" She said lacing her hands with mine "when ever you want" i smile at her "how about tomorrow at work in the ring..."

After talking about what the plan would be we laydown on the bed cuddled up my head on Rheas shoulder with her arm around me watching a movie, about 45 minutes in me and rhea fell asleep in each others arms.

I woke up to Rhea still beside me on her phone "morning sleeping beauty" she said moving hair out my face "are you my princess that gave me a kiss to wake me up" i said giving her a tired smile which made me laugh a little, i sat up a little more pulling the sleeves of Rheas hoodie over my hands cuddling into her side "love you" i mumbled "love you too" she said kissing my head. "We should get some food and coffee to wake you up" she said lifting me off her a bit "five more minutes" i say trying to push her back down "no no, come on you" she said picking me up and standing with me
"Rheaaaa" i said clinging onto her "come on you little koala" she chuckles "fineee" i groan getting down going to get changed, i came back with black leggings and her hoodie on again "don't worry i stole your top but it's a bit big but oh well" she looked down "and the leggings?" "Found them" i shrugged "alright then" she smiles "let me get ready the we can head down" i smile at her and sit on the bed.

I sit there on my phone waiting for Rhea when she randomly walks out "come on koala lets go" she says standing there with her phone and key card in hand,i stand up walking to the door opening it walking in the hallway "got everything" i say "yep have you" i look at my pockets of Rheas hoodie "yep got everything" and with that we walk down to get breakfast and coffee.

I was walking back with Rhea coffee in one hand hers in another swaying our hand "so what we doing now" i think for a minute "we could go back to the room and relax for a bit then go out and explore the place" i smile at her "sounds like a plan" she kisses my forehead.

"Koala we have 10 minutes!" I hear from outside the bathroom "Why do you keep calling me Koala!" I yell back "because you cling to me like a Koala and i am an aussie with her Koala it makes sense" she replies smiling at me as i walk out "it's cute" i say returning the smile to her.

We start walking to the car when i got a call from dom "Hello" "hey sis i was wondering how are you getting down here" "Rhea is taking me" "okay see you in a bit" "bye" i say ending the call "everything alright"rheas says looking at the road one hand on the wheel the other made its way on my thigh giving it a gentle squeeze now and then "yeah dom wanted to know how i was getting there" i say putting my hand on hers. The ride there was peaceful us having a few little conversation but its was nice, we got out the car when Rhea parked it "you ready to tell them and most probably the world" she says smiling at me "100% its been a secret for to long now people can know i am yours and you are mine" i say walking around the car you hold her hand "what about the hoodie?" She said pointing at it "i will play it off as last night with our 'first' date" "more like 20th date but okay" she says gentle swaying our hands back and forth.

"Look who it is" i hear from behind me "Hey guys" i say me and Rhea turning round to see the boys "guessing everything went fine last night" Damian says "how did you know" i say with a confused look and he just looks over at dom "makes sense" "who's hoodie is that?" Dom asks "mine" Rhea says from beside me and the boys just look at each other.

Fast forward a bit and we are in the ring Rhea stood beside me our hands brushing against each other dom was doing his usual shit talk to dad she the LWO walks out dad front and center they were going back and forth shit talking then dad would try to be all nice to him when they all got in the ring Zelina walked right in front of me trying to 'intimidated' me when i saw this figure step between us who turned out to be Rhea "leave her alone got it" she says and Zelina backs off still glaring at me, as rhea stepped out the way i felt her put her arm around me again i could feel people's eyes looking at us.

"Y/n" my dad says "why don't you come with me see your mother leave these people alone" he tries to reason with me, i look back at Rhea then my dad and raise the mic to my lips "because i got a new mami over here" i smile and Rhea walks over and kisses me in front of everyone i could feel more eyes than before on us but i didn't care i was just living in the moment, the kiss was short as well didn't want to make out in front of a crowd and plus i did want to put Rheas job at risk.

"So you and Rhea huh" my brother says as we walk back "yeah" i smile "was that last night or" "last year" i say with an awkward smile this time "how didn't i know?!" Because you hated each other at the time" i defend "oi dom!" We hear "don't yell at my girlfriend" Rhea says putting her arm around me "still my sister" he says like a child "no she is mine now" Rhea says pulling me into a high as she kisses the top of my head.

Rhea did her normal thing and posted a selfie of her kissing the top of my head captioned..

'Now you all know she is mine and i am hers <3"

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