haunted house

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• it was Friday 13th in October, y/n and her horror loving girlfriend go to a haunted house •

-y/n pov-

Everyone knew that Rhea was a massive Halloween and horror fan she loved Halloween and dressing up for it. She had booked us a haunted house people would tell its one of the worst Rhea would tell me they are lying but i didn't know.

It was Friday the 13 the day Rhea booked us to go and she dressed up as Pennywise and she looked beautiful as always i dressed up as Freddy Kureger Rhea in a short ish dress and i was in a same length dress but Freddy i did mine and Rheas makeup for the haunted house as it said to come dressed up which we didn't argue with.

"Ready love?" She said as she walked in "Yeah,you look amazing" i smile up at her as i stand up "so do you love" i give her a quick kiss making sure not to ruin her makeup, she holds my hand as well makr our way to the car "do you think its that bad?" I asked getting a bit nervous "nah it should be fine plus you have your strong girlfriend here" she smiles and flexes her muscles making me chuckle "of course" i say giving her hand a peck before we drive off.

I could see the house coming up it was all alone very dark and it had decorations of dont enter and pumpkins spread about, we stepped out the car Walking over where a woman jumped out at us "why hello you two are you ready for the scare of your life" the woman says licking her teeth "lets see" Rhea said seeing it as a challenge the lady took us to the door which was massive with bolts over it "enter" she said Rhea took my hand leading me inside, as soon as we stepped in the door slammed behind us and the room was dark except some candles along the hall.

We made our was down the corridor spider webs above us and the sound of wind and our footsteps was all you could hear we turned a corner and a zombie man jumped out scary the shit out of me and scary Rhea a bit because i felt her hand grip mine tighter "Bloody hell" i said putting my hand on my chest which Rhea laughed at "dont laugh that scared you too" i said looking at her "drama queen" she rolled her eyes kissing my forehead.

We looked down the next hallway to see a long dark walk as we went down the hallway looked to be getting longer, as me and Rhea where distracted a woman with snakes in her hands scared us "shit!" I said running off a bit Rhea close behind "is she walking this way?" I asked Rhea as the woman got closer "i think so" she said "yeah no thanks" i replied making Rhea chuckle "lets go she is getting close" i pulled Rheas hand till the woman stopped following "i thought you liked snakes?" Rhea raised an eyebrow "i didn't just not when a creepy ass lady is jumping out at me with them" i said "fair".

The next part put us in a dinning room of some sort where there was a chandelier of candles above our heads with many  broken and dining tables surrounding us as we walked through we looked at broken old painting and the sound of people whispering it was cold in the room a kind of cold that sends chills down you "i told you it wasn't that bad" Rhea said "its not over yet Rhe" i say. We go to another door and when we did a sign said stand back so we did "what does that mean" Rhea asks and as she does the doors fling open crashing into the wall and the next hallway was old looking and broken theme to it "feel like its going to fall on me" i say Rhea nods.

As we walked down another hallway a group of zombies jumped out touching my shoulder making me jump into Rheas arms as she lets out a scream herself "They are everywhere" i say as Rhea sets me down on the floor "never seen Freddy Krueguer so scared" she laughs as i cross my arms "laugh it up pennywise" i huff out "aww don't be sad your the hottest Freddy Krueguer i have seen and know" she smiles kissing me "fine you off the hook" i smile at her cuteness. We walk to the next part and its another door saying doge the zombies me and Rhea look at each other before opening the door to a room with five zombies in "this will be fun" we walk into the room the 'zombies' lolk at us slowly walking over as me and Rhea run through laughing.

We are faced with another door "biggest fear?" I read the sign "what?" I look at These "well they asked me your and my biggest fear and i guess its in here" she shrugged we walked in and it was my fear first. Porcelain Dolls. "Nope Rhea let me out" i say turning back and Rheas arm comes in front of me "no you are doing this its just dolls y/n" i looked at her "these 'dolls' are creepy as anything Rhea!" I say "they wont move" she says taking my hand leading me through the crowd of dolls when as we got thought one of the dolls jumped up and touched my leg "Rhea! Oh my God the little shit its alive!" I yelled grabbing rheas arms as she laughs.

(Leave me alone those porcelain dolls are scary)

Now it was time for Rheas fear we walked in and it looked empty when a light turns on and bugs where everywhere on ceiling wall door "Bugs!" Rhea says "i put down spiders!" She says because she actually not scared of them "i know i saw you lied so i put down the first real one because i know you would of done me dirty" i say "y/n! You are meant to love me!" She says looking at the mass amount of bugs "i do but its a haunted house babe lets go" i said kissing her cheek before pulling her along hearing her screeches as we walked through.

We walked out the door and it was the end "wasn't that bad" i said "sure what ever you say love" Rhea smiles we walk up to a man at a desk "would you lovely ladies like the video of your haunted house experience" the man smiled "its on film!" We both say amd the man laughs "yep would you like it?" He asks again "sure" Rhea smiles "it is being sent now have a scary Halloween!" The man says as me and Rhea walk to the car hand in hand once again "want to do another one" Rhea asks "maybe later in the month love" i smile as she kisses my cheek and we drive home.

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