Interrupted Pt2

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•It carries on•

-y/n pov-

I move my hips on her big strap my lips kissing up her neck along her jaw "mmhm princess" she groan her hand resting on my hips, her sliver rings cold on my bare skin i break my lips away from her neck looking into her eyes light hickeys on her neck "so pretty" she says one of her fingers placed on my chin tilting my head up exposing my neck to her, she licks her lips quickly making contact to my neck i gasp when she suck on my neck leaving her mark up at down me i start grinding my hips down on to her stap making her groan at the movements "lay on you back baby" she says dominance lacing her voice making me follow every word.

I lay on my back my back on the cool leather seat her strap not leaving me once i look up to see Demi hovering over me "ready darling" her hand creeping up my chest as she takes my shirt off before unclasping my bra throwing clothes around the car "yes Demi" i groan leaning into her touch "ahah its not Demi darling" her hand lifting off my chest leaving want her touch "sorry Mami" i say her hand coming down again playing with my nipple i feel her hips move the strap slowly moving inside "mhmm Mami" i moan then her mouth comes down on my nipple her tongue playing with it my back arching her mouth hot around my breast her other hand playing with my other breast her hips pace picking up making me slowly turn into a mess with all thats happing.

She moved her mouth from my breast up to my jaw whispering into my ear "darling" her voice rasp one hand in her hair and other on her shoulder squeezing it as her pace quickened my nails scratching her, our lips met in a heated and passionate kiss like it was the last kiss we would have our tongues dancing with each other my moans muffled i could feel her smile against my lips her i could feel my orgasm build up as her strap slides in and out of me at a fast pace "Mami" i moan "yes princess" she says a little out of breath just making her hotter "i am going to cum" i moan but as i say it i feel empty as she pulls her strap out making me wine "not yet" she grins pushing me up a bit her hands pushing my legs apart her head going between my legs.

She places soft kisses on my inner thigh getting higher up closer to my clit "Mami" i moan "patient princess" she smirks her tongue just touching my clit her hot breath making me wiggle her hands keeping my legs apart, her tongue licking stripes up my pussy moans falling out my mouth her tongue piercing making me go crazy she places kisses where she licked  "Mami~" my hands tangled in her black hair her hands squeezing my thighs "say my name again darling" her voice sending vibrations edging me closer "Mami~" her tongue slips inside of me licking every part she could till she did send me over the edge which i think Demi could tell "come on darling cum for me" she says kissing my clit as if it was on command my orgasm crashed down i screamed her name as she wiped her finger on my sensitive clit licking my cum off her finger "open up princess" she put her finger in my mouth as i lick me cum of her finger then she pulls me into a kiss "you taste amazing princess" she smirks "let me please you" i say "when we get home" she says getting a cloth wiping my thighs and being gentle when she cleaned my sensitive parts.

She pulled me closer placing a loving kiss on my forehead "you did so good y/n" her hand rubbed up and down my arm "sorry about the mess" i smile lazily "we've made bigger" she winked making me blush we pick up the clothes around the car sliding them back on "lets get home" she said opening the door and picking me up walking over to the passenger side placing me down "thanks love" i say before she shuts the door walking to her side of the car sitting down starting the car her hand on my thigh her thumb gently rubbing up and down making me feel relaxed and safe she puts on some music not havong it to loud as well enjoy the time together.

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