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~ request made by Beathebigirl ~

• Rhea takes y/n on a date has they haven't sent much time together •

-y/n pov-

Rhea was always away with work and we would get those odd days off that we would be with each other and we would take that time to go spend time with each other.

It has been days since me and Rhea went out on a date together, well i say days its more like months, but today was one of those days we got together.

-Rhea pov-

Today i have been planning for a long time, i had planned a day where me and y/n would
go to the gym then relax then go out for a beach dinner date, i put a lot of thought into this as it was rare we get this opportunity together it was going to be like one massive date day.

Me and y/n were eating breakfast when i asked about the gym "baby want to go to the gym for a bit?" I ask eating what's left of my food "sure gets us out" she agrees finishing her food then come over to get my plate "thanks baby" i give her a kiss before going to get ready for the gym.

We were both ready for the gym and on our way there now we were talking about random subjects or drama happening at work. We arrived at the gym and it was almost empty there was just a few people but that was okay "ready" she asks "if course" i say walking farther into the gym "what you working on today" i ask "arms and maybe legs"she responds walk to the weights "what about you" she asks "back and arms" i smile "want to do arms together" she asks picking up the weights "yeah" i walk over and give her a kiss then pick my weights up, the weights i use were heavier than y/ns so sometimes i would like to tease her about it, i looked over to see y/n looking at me and quite obviously checking me out "like what you see" i smirked " of course Mami" she winked and gave me a smirk of her own, i am not going to lie this made me blush "looks like i got Mami all flustered" she giggled " oh hush you" i playful rolled my eyes. We did our arms for another 30 ish minutes and i went to do my back and y/n went to do her legs, as y/n walked by me as i was working on my back i hear " damn look at that back Mami" i let out a laugh when she said that i look over my shoulder to see y/n doing squats "Damn look at that ass y/n/n" she laughed as well then quickly walked over gave me a kiss then walked back to what she was doing.

We finished our work and are now at home after having our showers "hey baby want to watch a movie?" I asked sitting down on the sofa next to y/n "sure want to do a horror movie marathon?" She put her phone down and picked up the remote "of course" i smile.

It was about 5pm and me and y/n have been watching movies for a while now "hey y/n/n could you get changed?" I asked her "sure but why?" She got up from the sofa wondering to the bedroom "its a surprise" i smile "okay but what type of clothes should i wear" "maybe leggings and i crop top (or T-shirt if you don't like crop tops)" i suggest knowing it would be suitable for the occasion "wait what you wearing" she asks popping her head from the corner if the door frame "i am wearing a black crop top and maybe some leggings or joggers" i see
y/ns head disappear which makes me giggle.

"Y/n! Ready!" I yell from the front door "coming" i see her turn the corner and she is on a matching outfit to mine "is that why you wanted to know" i smile giving her a kiss "yeah" we walked to the car "going to tell me where we are going?" She bats her eyelashes at me "nope! You will have to wait to find out" i smile at her starting the car and driving away.

"Okay y/n stay in the car i will be back in a minute" i say and get out the car get the stuff out the boot and walk to the perfect spot on the beach. A good thing of where i parked is y/n can't see the beach or what i got out the car, i walked back to the car and opened y/ns door "okay stand infront of me" she stands up and when she is okay i put my  hand over her eyes "Rhea what are you doing" she giggles "i told you its a surprise".

When we were walking it was funny we were stumbling wobbling and it was a mess but in a funny way, once we made it to the beach y/n asked "babes are we on a beach?" "Maybe" i smile i kept my hands over her eyes "okay we are here now. 1.2.3" removed my hands from her eyes and when i looked at her face she was what look like to be amazed "do you like it" i took her hand and sat us on the blanket i layed out "its beautiful" she smiled and gave me a kiss "no one has ever done anything this beautiful for me" she looked into my eyes and i looked into hers her eyes full of love "well i made us some food" i reached into a bag next to me and took out some food i made previous to this "aw rhea" she took some food and ate some then fed me the rest of it "its good" she said covering her hand in front of her mouth "yeah it is" i smiled at her.

We have been here chatting and eating for about 30 minutes when we were just staring into each others eyes "i love you" she says smiling " i love you too" i lean over and give her a kiss. After more time she sits in between my legs and we watch the waves roll in and back out, the beach was quite the only noise being the waves and birds and our chatting about life and future plans.

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