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~ request made by rhearipleyskneecap ~

•y/n and demi are best friends when y/ns gf is moving to spain and finds out her gfs parents hate her so she turns to demi for some help and comfort •

-y/n pov-

Me and my girlfriend have been dating for about a year and a half and me and demi have been friends for 7 years. Me and demi were practically sister and we shared everything together and we always did stuff together.

My girlfriend didn't my care me and demi were close because she knew i was hers and only hers, her parents on the other hand did not like me and didn't like the fact their child was dating a girl, as petty as it sounds that is the truth.

"Hey y/n" my girlfriend said walking over to me on the bed after being on the phone to her boss about some work stuff "what's up" i said putting my  phone down "well i spoke to my boss and.." "And?" I said looking at her "i am moving for work" "okay how far?" I ask getting worried by her tone of voice "spain.." Time stopped "spain..?" I ask seeing if i heard that right "yeah" she said looking down at her hands "i am sorry" she said looking like she was almost crying "its not you fault long till you leave" tears fall "tonight then getting there early morning.." Tears fell quickly and all i felt was a comforting hug " i love you" she whispers into my ear kissing my cheek " i love you too" i cry into her shoulder holding her as close as i can.

Me and my girlfriend spend the night together holding each other and just enjoying the moment, she would be leaving to pack and go in and hour i wished this moment would last forever and she would never have to leave.

My girlfriend just left and my eyes are all red and puffy from crying my first thought was to call demi.

"Hey dems" i sniff "y/n whats wrong?" She asked sounding concerned.

-demi's pov-

Y/n had just called me and she was in a mess, right now i am on my way to y/ns apartment to help her and comfort her after hearing everything that is going on. About 10 minutes later i was walking to y/ns door i knock on it and when the door opens i see y/n with puffy eyes and a blanket over her "hey dems, come in" she moves out the way so i could walk in "hey y/n i am sorry about (girlfriends name)" "its okay not your fault" "well its not yours either" i said smiling at her and walking to her sofa with y/n behind me.

"So want to talk" i ask sitting down with y/n next to me and cuddled into my side "i don't know what i want" she said in a sad tone "oh y/n its okay" i said stroking her hair. Sometimes i felt like y/ns older sister which was fine with me because she was my sister at heart "how about we watch a movie, have a sleepover then tomorrow we can go out" i said now looking down at her " that sounds good" she sniffs, i place my head on top of hers to show comfort and support.

We sit like that for a couple more minutes then i hear a quite voice "hey dems" i look at her in her eyes "thank you, you are like the sister i never got" i smile down at her "you are like a sister to me too". After a couple of minutes of silence "how about we watch (favorite movie)?" I Ask knowing its one of her comfort films "sounds good" she gives me a smile. A bit about the relatonship is Y/n and her girlfriend always loved each other but they had to sneak around y/g/n parents since they weren't thrilled about the relationship.

After the film we go to bed as i take the guest room. Tomorrow we planned a day out to a theme park then a little zoo/farm park thing we have been to before, i was going to try and doing anything to get my best friends mind off everything happening to her.

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