birthday jealousy

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~ request made by LxAxDx~

•y/n and dom have been texting a lot recently for demis surprise birthday party but she obviously doesn't know and she thinks them two are getting more than just friends •

-demi pov-

I look over at y/n and once again she is on her phone "what you doing" i ask "texting" she smiles at me "who?" "Oh just dom" she seemed to be talking to him a lot recently but i decided that it could be nothing.

Time went on through the week which happened to be my birthday week y/n would at least once or twice a day be texting dom even when TJD hung out dom and y/n would go privately speak then come back after a minute. I know i had nothing to worry about as y/n said and that i was her 'one and only true love' which i did and still do believe it was just all suspicious.

-y/n pov-

This week is demis birthday, me and dom had planned this big and amazing surprise party for her it would be the best birthday ever.

Me and demi were going to meet up with TJD just for a catch up.

- demi pov-

When we arrived we all started talking then about 5-10 minutes in y/n and dom walked off to go talk by them selfs which i did just a little suspicious about and not going to lie i did get a little jealous but didn't want it to get to me to much.

Me finn and Damian were all talking about work and home life when dom and y/n walked back over "hi baby" she said sitting by me "hi" i kiss her "ew get a room" we here across the table looking at a disgusted Damian which made us giggle, so we just gave each other another kiss.

-y/n pov-

Me and dom have been planning this party for a while all week had to do was get the balloons and get the cake but i will do that closer to her birthday.

Me and dom walked back in after discussing the plans and who was doing what final touchs to the party.

I sat down by demi "hi baby" i smile saying hi to the rest of the boys as well I look at demi and she is looking over at dom with a harsh stare but then turns her head to me "hi" demi says giving me a kiss (you know what happens its in the text above).

"So what did i miss" i say leaning into demi "not much just talking about life" finn say taking a sip of his drink "anyway, y/n demi said last weekend you guys went out how was it" Damian says trying to start a conversation "it was goid she took is to this beach then we went to this restaurant about 10 to 15 minutes away" i say rambling on telling about what me and demi did that day.

Near the end of the conversation i feel and hand around my waist and feel a demi rest her head on the top of my head "aww demi has gone soft for y/n" Damian teases "oh hush you" she says hugging me tighter which made me giggle.

Once we got home me and demi decided to have a chilled out evening "so what you want to do?" She asked "i don't mind want to watch a movie or cuddle?" I question "both" she smiles "both it is then" i say getting my self to sit between her legs lean back on her chest.

We were sat watching the movie for 40 minutes when my phone went off.

' message from Dom'

Read the notification i pick up my phone and see its about what more stuff he bought and asking about presents, i turn my phone away so she doesn't see and ruin the whole surprise thing.

-demi pov-

I heard y/n phone go off and i glanced down to see what it was, as she picks it up she turns her screen so i can't see what she is typing or the other person "what was that" i ask playing with her hair "oh Don't just text me" she smiles at me, of course it was him again. I look back at the tv not wanting her to see the slight jealousy i have, after maybe 5 minutes i feel a hand on my face "hey i know that look" she says in a gentle tone "nothing is going on between me and dom okqh you are my one and only love" she smiles at me i smile back giving her a kiss "hey how do you know 'that look' " i said jokingly she lets out a little giggles "babes it was the same look you gave that waiter when the flirted and its the same look you gave dom when we came back tonight" i let out a little huff knowing that she knows me too well "aww don't be like that" she gives me a kiss forgiven?" She asks giving me 'puppy dog eyes' i pretend to think "forgiven" i saying wrapping my arms around her agains.

(Time skip to day if party)
-y/n pov-

Today was demi's birthday and also the party, me and dom arranged for 7pm the party. The party was on our back garden but somehow i managed to get 'Motionless in White' to come which i knew would be demis favorite part hopefully she would like it. I had already given demi her presents of a new shirt jewelry and some snacks she likes.

We had about three hours till everyone should arrive so i got demi to go out for a meal with as she would think thats what we are doing for her birthday "hey dems we got to go reservation is at 5" i saying putting my shoes on "i am ready just need the keys" i walk over to her "baby they are there" i saying picking them up "oh" i give her a kiss on the forehead.

We get in the car and before we start to go i text dom.

' i left a key under the mat, we r leaving now so you can start to decorate and everyone can over for 7'

" ready?" I say "yeah but can i drive?" She says taking the keys "sure" i say smiling.

We arrive at the restaurant, it was and wasn't a fancy restaurant it was one of those that was in between "i like this" demi says looking around was we were seated "yeah it pretty" i say, we start to look at the menu to decide what to eat and after we ordered we talked about our usual nonsense.

We just finished dinner and not going to lie it was on of the best meals i have had in a while "we should give there again" say holding her hand while walking to the car "yeah it was nice" she gave me a little kiss.

"Whos driving" i say holding the keys out if she wanted to "i can if you want" she says grabbing the keys "okay" i say walking to the car, i grab my phone and text Dom to say we are on our way "texting Dom again" demi says with a slightly jealous look on her face "yes i was and like i said don't worry about it, dems why would i cheat on the most beautiful woman on the planet" i smile and i could see a little blush on her face.

We arrive home and i have Dom a five minute warning what we are close, me and demi started to walk up the driveway hand in hand talking about tonight i pretend to search for my keys "damn it i forgot them" i say knowing i didn't "here have mine" demi says getting hers from her pocket "thanks" i give her a kiss on the cheek.

I move the keys around in the door so they know we are outside but trying to not seem obvious to demi.

-demi pov-

Y/n opens the door and i walk in first turning the light on and..


I hear i look around to see all my friends here i let out a little gasp of shock the turn to y/n/n who smiles at me "happy birthday demi" Damian says ruffling my hair "thanks D" i smile.

I walk over to u/n and lift her up "so this is what you were up to" i say spinning her a little "yep told you not to worry" she smiled giving me a kiss. All i could say was the night was amazing and it had to be one of the best party i have had i mean y/n/n somehow got 'Motionless in White' to come which i don't how she did.

"Thank you y/n/n" i say giving her a hug and kiss "anything for you love" she smiles back.

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