school bully

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~ request made by Beathebigirl ~

• y/n is getting bully by the school bully Charlotte rhea notices this and starts to defend and protect y/n•

-y/n pov-

School was hell. I know many 16 year olds say that but its true i hate it, the only good thing is seeing my friends which i didn't have many.

One reason school is hell is because of Satan herself Miss. Charlotte Flair, she was your typical mean,bully type person she was this pretty blonde who thought she ruled the school.

Unfortunately for me i was here target, she has hated me since we were like 12. I have no idea why but she just has and everyday she has to say something about me or my home life on physical hurt me.

My friends liv,becky and bianca always stood up for me when Charlotte came over.
And of course today was the exact same as the others.

Liv was off ill and becky and Bianca went to the bathroom and i decided to wait outside for them and yes you most probably guess Miss.Queen Bee walked over with what seemed to be her minions i mean they follow her everywhere, i looked up from my phone to see Charlotte stood in front of me with her arms crossed "Hey bitch" she smirked at me "what this time Charlotte" she in crossed her arms " i am bored so i decided to see how my favorite friend was doing" she let out a little laugh and so did her minions, i put my phone a way and started to walk in the direction of the bathrooms to wait for Becky and Bianca " and where do you think you are going" she pulled me by my bag, she was a bit braver this time as no one but us and her minions were around "Answer me!" She yelled started to get angry so i decided not to annoy her further as i didn't want to get beat today " look Charlotte i just want to go to the bathroom" i said in a calm way even though i was a little scared but only a little " you will be staying here and you will leave when i say so!" See steps closer to me grabs my hair " you have no right to talk to me like that" she spits and with that i feel and hard smack across my face then a punch to the side but it wasn't as hard from them my beating began but after a minute i feel the weight on me get lighter and hear another voice.

- rhea pov-

I was walking back from my class and looking over to see Charlotte punching y/n.

Me and y/n weren't besties but i wont lie i did find her attractive, so when i had seen this i walk/ran over to them " hey Charlotte!" I yelled at her her minions look at me then each other and walk away at a fast pace " What do you want emo" she gave y/n a break  and i could see y/n sit up and hold her side " i want to know what the hell you like of doing" i say with anger looking back at her now in front of Charlotte standing face to face " nothing that concerns you" she smirks at me "it does now considering that y/n is over there in pain" i say not backing down from her " since when was this no good thing your concern" " she is not a thing" i grit my teeth, Charlotte just smirks knowing its getting to me. Charlotte leaves me and goes back to y/n and grabs her by the hair " this this is what you want to 'protect'" she harshly moves y/ns head side to side which just makes me more mad.

I storm over and practically rip Charlotte off y/n "whats your problem" i saying getting in her face again " its going to be you" she barked back " yeah well then have a problem with me not y/n/n" i saying getting more angry by the second with just having to deal with her "you think your so tough" she raises an eyebrow at me "more than you 100%" i smirk looking her up and down she scoffs " you really want to defend this pathetic worthless thing" just hearing her slag y/n/n off made my blood boil as Charlotte opened her big mouth again before she could ,probably say something about y/n, i punch her right in the mouth "shut up!" I yell, Charlotte falls to the floor and i walk over behind her to y/n.

"You okay?" I asked helping her up and holding her as she holds her side still " yeah. Thank you rhea" she gives me a weak smile "its alright" i smile at her, damn she was cute "whats going on" i turn my head to see Becky and Bianca "oh hey" i could see how this might look confusing me holding y/n and Charlotte on the floor holding her face, well now i think i can't be that confusing "Charlotte came over and gave me a little beating then my knight in shining armor came over a saved me" y/n said letting out a giggle "oh God you okay y/n, thank you rhea" Bianca says going to y/ns other side seeing what she could do "want me to take you to medical" Becky says " i can do it i mean i have her already" i say just wanting and excuse to hold and be with y/n more without that being creepy " okay" becky smiles.

-y/n pov-

I lool at becky and she is smiling at me "okay" i give her a look, becky and bianca are the only people that know i have a crush on Rhea " thanks Rhea" Bianca smiles as well "its okay" Rhea says, i look up at her and smile " we should get going" Rhea says moving her hand to my waist "yeah" i smile i pretty sure a little blush appeared on my cheeks.

We walk away to medical " hey why do you let her do that?" I look up at Rhea "i can't defend myself against her" i look a bit sheepishly "why dont you try" "you saw me she will probably hurt me worse if you didn't come along" i smiled at her "i couldn't let her do that to you" i see her smile at me " thanks again rhe" "oh so its rhe now" she lets a little chuckle out "well you did help me out so friends?" "Sure" she says, i smile at her "almost there y/n/n" she smiles keeping her hand around my waist giving me a gently squeeze.

We are sat waiting on medical when Rhea speaks up "hey y/n i know we haven't know each other this long but there is a reason i helped you" she looks at her feet and i raise an eyebrow "well it's because.. I like you" she looks around the room to not make eye contact i smile "i like you too" i move over a bit to be closer she looks up at me "so what now" i say "maybe we should take things slow. How about this Saturday i take you on a date" she smiles and i do too "i would like that. What time" "6?" I smile "6 it is" i lean up a bit as Rhea was clearly taller than me and i give her a kiss on the forehead.

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