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• y/n gets and injury during a match•

-short story-

-rhea pov-

I was in the middle of a match against (your choice), i was on the mat when i heard a loud thud. I turned my head around to see the y/n on the ground, clutching her leg in pain and (your choice of wrestler) looking down on her from the ring. My heart sank as i rushed over to y/n's side forgeting about the match for now and seeing if my girlfriend is all good "Are you okay?" I ask, my voice filled with concern.She shook her head, tears streaming down her face. I put a comforting hand on her shoulder, trying to offer some comfort "Don't worry, we'll get you the help you need," i said, my voice trying to sound steady and reassuring.

The medical team rushed over to assess y/n's injury. I stayed by her side throughout the entire issue, offering my comfort and help when i could "You're going to be okay," i said, holding y/n/n hand tightly. "Just take deep breaths and try to relax."

After the match was over, i headed to the hospital to check on y/n. I walked into the room to find y/n lying in bed, her leg wrapped in a cast.

"How are you feeling?" I asked in a gentle tone of voice.Y/n looked up at me and smiled weakly. "I'm okay," she said. "Just a little sore."

I pulled up a chair and sat down next to y/n. I know injury's happen with this job but its still not nice when it happens specially to someone you love "I'm so sorry you got hurt," i said, my voice filled with guilt. "I should have been more wary and cautious." She shook her head. "It wasn't your fault," she said. "These things happen." I stayed with y/n for a while, chatting and trying to take her mind off the pain. I made a  promised to her never to let it happen again.

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