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The light in the small pods we lived in could be turned down a bit, so that it wasn't as sharp and clinical as I had recalled it to be. It was quite nice, getting to turn down the light a bit.

"We should be in the training centre," I murmured, quietly fiddling with my hands on my stomach.

"I think we deserve some rest," Jungwon murmured, tightening his grip around my shoulders, which had secured my spot partially up on his chest, "and this is nice."

"Yeah?" I questioned and craned my neck to look up at him. Immediately getting a small nod with a small smile from Jungwon.

"Besides... I'm still torn up about what Venus showed us yesterday, so this is a nice way to keep my grounded," Jungwon murmured and reached a hand down to intertwine with one of my hands. Stopping me from fiddling more with my fingers.

"Why would you be so torn up about it? We can't be surprised," I reminded and he shook his head quietly.

"No... but they broadcast these advertisements including a clip I had sworn should ever see the light of day," Jungwon reminded quietly, "didn't I say heads would roll if they sent out the clips of you swimming in the river?"

"You did," I hummed quietly, "but I'm not the same person she is."

"No... but she is still a kid," Jungwon reminded quietly, "you were seventeen. I know you're about nineteen by now... but it's still wrong to show the clips of you in your underwear to the entire nation. I'm not happy with it."

I let out a small hum, falling back into my thoughts for a while. I didn't feel great about the clips, but there was nothing to do about their distribution. Eventually I let out a small sigh and managed to roll over on my side, earning a small glance from Jungwon as I turned to face him.

"Are you alright?" Jungwon murmured and I nodded quietly.

"Just fine," I hummed quietly, "I just... was thinking..."

"What now?" he hummed and moved his head a bit on the pillow to be able to look at me easier.

"I've missed this," I murmured, "we only have so short periods of time to be just us. I've missed it. I've missed you, having you to myself."

"You can always have me to yourself," he reminded with a small chuckle, "just tell me. I'll go with you right away."

"It's not the same," I shook my head, "we always have something to do that we have to return to. Now... we have a few days. I don't remember the last time we had that."

"Right before the Quarter Quell," he muttered and started playing with my fingers once I hummed and attempted to get my face up in line with his, "why? Is there something you want to do?"

"No... I just want you here," I shook my head and he nodded with a small smile.

"I'll be right here," he assured and ran his free hand through my hair, "just where you want me."

"I want you here, forever," I shook my head and he immediately nodded.

"I know," he assured gently, "I'll try."

I nodded quietly, untangling my hand from his, reaching up to quietly trail my finger from between his brows and down to the tip of his nose. He snickered slightly as I continued, giving the same places the same stroke once again. Quietly following his cheek up over his eyebrows and carefully just above his eyelids. Repeating the same on his other eye.

"I like your face. It's so warm and homely," I whispered and he smiled as his abandoned hand sneaked over onto my back and pulled me closer to him, "it feels like home to look at."

"Mhm," Jungwon hummed, letting me continue to trail my fingers around on his face.

His lips felt just as soft at the tip of my fingers as I had recalled them to be, even before the Quarter Quell. A small smile making its way onto my face as I realised, tracing the curved lines of his top lip.

Slowly Jungwon's smile faltered, changing the shape of his lips, which I was busy tracing. His hand on my waist left it and gently pulled my hand away from his face. My eyes drawing back up to his. His palm cupped my jaw and finger tips dug into the back of my neck, pulling me into his lips.

A small sigh of relief escaped one of us, which of us I didn't know. We had shared few short cases in the past few weeks, but this was something else. A genuine and loving kiss that slowly calmed both of us down and pulled us from the cruel world we were fighting our way through. 

My hand carefully snuck up over his shoulders to gently tap against his cheek, prompting him to give the kiss a small break. Leaving my lips for a split second before placing a chaste peck on my lips, assuring that he didn't want to stop.

"I needed that," he admitted quietly, his thumb running over my cheekbone.

"I still love you," I reminded quietly and he slowly let his lips pull up into a small smile, "I'm sorry I don't say it."

"I'm never gonna stop loving you," he replied gently, continuing to cradle my cheek as if it was a piece of porcelain, "never."

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