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[tw: self-harm, kinda hallucinations, panic attack, kinda past kidnapping]

There were two things that came to mind when thinking of Grian. The red sweater that he had over a dozen copies of, and his beautiful parrot wings.

Or at least that's what others would say.

Grians never really liked his wings all that much. They were a gift from them in a way that Grian didn't fully like. He never had the wings before Evo and at first, when he got them, they were a deep purple and he was in a castle surrounded by void and otherworldly gods.

Even though he may have gotten them otherwise, his wings stood as a reminder to him that he was only ever meant to watch.

And that's why, when something suddenly possessed the members of Boatem to start complementing his wings. It really sucked.

They were in a meeting and randomly, mumbo paused and said "You know Grian, I think your wings are amazing."

Scar nodded his head and said "Yeah! I've never seen anyone with wings like that, you're the only person on Hermitcraft that has them"

They all started talking about how unique Grian's wings are, and how they are amazing and beautiful, and how they almost seemed to glow. Without meaning to, their conversation shifts to how he's so cool compared to some normal people who have wings.

While they are talking about Grian's wings, they don't notice how Grian shrinks into his seat.

He would never be normal. He has these wings that glow, and they shimmer and are ever so slightly different from other avians.

He's so much more different from humans too, not only with the fact that he has huge colourful wings on his back. It's the fact that he isn't even human at all anymore. He's just a watcher. Stupid and pathetic and only capable of watching.

The meeting ended soon after that conversation and Grian was relieved. They walk out of the room that was deep inside the Boatem hole to find the sun starting to set, and the moon starting to come up, which he noticed a little more than usual.

He went back to Midnight Alley and sat on top of one of his buildings, lost in thought at the moment. If everyone thought that his wings made him less than human then fine. He just wanted to be seen as an equal to them for once. There was no solution to his problems.

His wings were so delicate and soft. They were amazing and the thing he dreaded most at the same time. His friends complimented them and called them amazing but at the same time brought up all the little things that he picked apart about himself when he looked in the mirror. The stuff he pushed to the back of his mind with all his other fears and doubts because 'no one else notices little things like that' but then they go and prove him wrong. Calling out every single tiny flaw about him.

He looked to his side to see a funky little mirror that he put there to see if it would make the area look more magical. It didn't but he hadn't gotten around to taking it down yet.

He stared at himself for far too long and for far too short of a time before he started seeing eyes pop up all around him, feathers moving aside as more eyes peered out, staring into his very soul. Eyes that aren't his, but can describe him as an entity, not a person, he knows that while he was a human, he's really not anymore.

After all, while he watches himself and everything around him fade into hues of purple from his vision that slowly creeps from looking forward to being hyper-aware of everything around him, he is also hyper-aware of the fact that he is unmistakably a watcher. He is built to watch, and then destroy, and then watch some more. That was his purpose, even if his heart disagreed.

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