An echo

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They walked back to the desert by each other's side. They got back to the ruins of their home and there was an understanding passing through them both as they sat on a sandstone bench that survived the explosions.

They were in a circle of cacti, neither quite remembered how they got there, and before they died, they danced.

It was a slow dance, there was no music, but they didn't need any. They slowly danced, because they could, because there was no one there to stop them, for better or for worse.

They both hesitated as they separated, despite this, neither leaned back into the other.

There were tears in the eyes of the two men as they stared at each other. There was a moment shared between the two of them, though neither was sure whether or not it was a good one.

They had danced, but now they're fighting. An unforgiving fist hits the body that had been so close mere minutes ago.

There's a body on the floor, and it seems like neither of them can breathe, but for different reasons.

A harsh sob echoes through the quiet desert. No one was around to hear it. 

A warm body crouching over a cold one. Every breath burns with guilt and bloodied hands wipe tears from their face.

There is a cliff ahead, a friend behind.

A foot leaving a cliff. A whisper asking for forgiveness.

Will life ever be fair?

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