Silly misunderstandings

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Ren, Pearl, Bdubs, Mumbo, Cleo, and Grian were sitting around a fire on a cool fall night.

"Man, I heard of this this thing the other day, and I had no clue what they were talking about until it got explained to me." Ren said, "So have any of you guys ever heard of eye floaters?"

"Oh yeah!" Pearl started, "They're like the weird floating eyes that would follow you around and watch your every move, right?"

"Oh yeah! I remember when they first came to Evo, it was so uncomfortable at first, sometimes there would be one, but other times there would be like dozens!" Grian wasn't too sure why everyone was staring and him and Pearl like that.

"I never really got used to them if I'm being honest, they were a bit creepy, they didn't even have any eyelids!" Pearl agreed.

"Dudes, what?" Ren commented, sounding absolutely bewildered.

"They were there so the gods on the server could keep an eye on us!" Pearl giggled at her own joke.

"Like what kind of god are we talking like, admins? Or was it a roleplay server where there were gods and regular people?" Mumbo asked, also looking as bewildered as the others.

Grian shook his head. "No, they were actual gods. They probably don't deserve that title though, they were kind of rude." Pearl nodded at him.

"I think Ren was talking about the little worm-looking things that pop up in your eyes when it's too bright for them." Cleo clarified.

"Oh yeah! Those eye floaters." Pearl nodded. So did Grian.

"Yeah, those are pretty cool." Grian agreed.

"They sure are," Pearl commented.

There was a large gap of silence, Grian looked happily at the fire before looking up at his friends and seeing them all looking between Pearl and himself.

Bdubs spoke up, "Are we just brushing past that...?"

"Yes." Grian and Pearl said in unison.

This was written in a car, and it's probably not as good as I wanted it to be but oh well :D

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