What is love?

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tws: death, toxic relationships, minor abuse,

Grian is exactly what Scar thought romance would feel like. Overwhelming and like a movie and sickeningly sweet. scar wanted to throw up and sob and giggle until the whole server could hear him.

Scar stares at their Desert home, That Grian made for the two of them, just him and Grian fighting all the enemies and everyone there until everyone else dies a bloody and gruesome death. their desert abode where there were traps thrown about and ready to kill either one of them at any second. It towers high over the rest of the server, like they are the ones destined to be there, Grian is the best after all, he deserves to be seen and known in ways Scar could never be known for.

He fears that if this ends, and they don't stay until they are the last two people there, or if they live to the end and decide that it can't be like that, that there has to be a winner for the games, Scar doesn't know if he'll be able to take it. He doesn't quite care in the same way the other people on the server seem to. Their minds are all clouded with worries about where they came from and where they will go after, but if Scar is being honest with himself, he couldn't care less because he has Grian.

Sometimes scar looks up in the sky, and wonders what love is, what it's meant to be, and can't help but always settle on the same one word, Grian. Grian is everything he could imagine, he's amazing at building and can settle arguments so easily. Scar wants to kill anyone who looks at him wrong, he wants to get all of Grian's love and all of the "I'm proud of Yous," until that's all Grian says.

Scar wants Grian to be nicer sometimes, but really, he's selfish for saying that. scar is lucky, and he knows that so well. Grian spends time with him and sometimes helps him when he doesn't understand stuff. Because of that, it's okay if he's not nice all the time, that when it's nighttime he gets scolded for being dumb and making bad choices.

Grian is right, he should pay more attention.

Grian is always right, so if he got hit, he deserves it, when Grian storms off, he also deserves it. What it really means is that he gets a hug and cuddles when he comes back, and he could never actually be mad at Grian.

To Scar, it makes sense when closer to the end of the season Grian Gets harsher, because he is stressed and trying to keep them alive so they can live together forever without ever having to worry about bringing swords and shields with them everywhere they go. It makes sense because it's stressful Being yellow, and red and it makes sense because they are designed to feel more violent.

Scar does feel really bad when he kills Grian with Bdubs, he wishes he had never considered it because Scar hurts and they are the last ones alive and in a ring of cactus together, because Scar Didn't mean for this to happen. Everything hurts. He whispers apologies into the wind as there are fists swinging at him and he has a headache, and he slowly gets tired. Time slows down as he stops feeling the punches and he feels a gentle hug as he feels his heart slowly stop beating in his chest. The last thing he hears from above him is sobbing breaths, and a whispered "i'm so sorry scar."

In the end Scar could never be mad at Grian, and he knows that.

Then he wakes up on the Hermitcraft server.

oh no.

oh no.

Scar knows who Grian is. Which is undeniably a problem. See Scar knows he loves Grian, but he couldn't even fathom loving Grian. because now scar is confused, and group meetings are being called and Scar can't process one thing that's going on.

Ten minutes ago, Grian could have told Scar to pull out all of his teeth one by one and scar would have done it. Now he's back and he couldn't even see how he could love Grian that way.

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