Eye need to get out of here

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tw: self-harm, blood, vomit, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat kinda stuff but not in a sexual way, knives, abuse(?), head injuries, passing out, gore.

Xelqua has a knife in their hands and a frankly terrifying dilemma. They had been stuck with the watchers for an exhaustingly long time, practically every watcher knew that Xelqua wasn't happy being a watcher. Earlier that day, their 'trainers' One and Two brought them to go see the head watcher, and because of past experiences, Xelqua had presumed that they were being brought in for another punishment even though they hadn't known what they had done wrong. However, what had awaited Xelqua was not a punishment, but an offer.

"Watcher Xelqua of 29 eyes, as I'm sure you know, almost all of the watchers here know that you don't want to be here, we had hoped it was just a phase at first, but after years of you being here and growing your experience and power, this stubborn defiance has been kept, even after gaining more eyes, proving you would become a strong watcher." the head watcher told them.

"So, Xelqua, I now have an offer for you, our eyes represent us as watchers and how much magic we have built up. As you do not want to be a watcher, you no longer have to be. as long as you can play one last game, dear child. As our eyes represent what we stand for, you can escape us freely by ridding yourself of those eyes. if you can successfully remove all 29 of your eyes, both earned and the two you were born with, we can send you to a server far from our gaze."

The head watcher held out a dull dagger in their hand. "Make your choice, I will see you tomorrow, twenty-four hours from now, eyes or no eyes." they placed the dagger in Xelqua's quivering hands.

So, Xelqua has a knife in their hands and a frankly terrifying dilemma. They really couldn't refuse this deal, they had to at least try to escape the watchers, but at the same time, 29 is a really big number, they would be left on a random server unable to see, and they don't even know if they would get any medical care beforehand. Not to mention, if they fail they will be stuck here and probably outcasted even more so and would have gone through all of it for nothing.

They decided to make a pros and cons list and gave all of the reasons a value between one and three depending on how big of a factor they would be.

they wrote out all the reasons to and not to do it and eventually, there was an answer.

Xelqua looks at the list and makes their decision. pros equal twelve and cons equal 10.5. so that means that the pros outweigh the cons, even if they weren't being completely honest on what numbers certain things deserve.

The first thing they do is dump out one of their bins, in hopes of them containing where the eyeballs will go after they are ripped out. Xelqua also goes to the bathroom and just looks in the mirror for a few minutes. studying all the little details on their face for the last time ever, and double checking where all the eyes were.

They sat down on their bed and brought their hands up to their human eyes, they supposed they would do these ones first, be gentle with them.

Xelqua apprehensively takes their pointer finger, middle finger, and thumb of both hands and opens their eyes as wide as they can go, and they hesitate for just a moment before plunging their fingers into their eye sockets.

Searing pain erupted from their eyes. and immediately a headache started to form. all of the other eyes closed harshly, leaving them stunned and disorientated.

Xelqua squeezed and heard a nauseating pop as their eyes fell from their sockets. Part of their vision clouded and they emptied the contents of their stomach onto the floor. For a second, they couldn't feel anything, just aware of the fact that their eyes were currently dangling from the optical nerve.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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