The quiet

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It wasn't quite fair in Scars opinion. Why was Grian allowed to yell and talk condescendingly to him when he's stressed? Why was he allowed to be upset and scar had to avoid saying anything that could make his mood bad. Why did other people feel like they could yell back?

It was like he was treated like a little kid. One who did something slightly wrong and they had a reactive parent talking at them like they were stupid. Scar just wants him to know that he's not a kid. He's an adult and not much more than a year younger than Grian. So why is it fair that he's being treated like a little kid.

And the problem is there's nothing stopping Scar from being able to yell back, nothing stopping him from screaming back until he's sobbing between words and can't seem to find his breath, but he can't do that to Grian. He knows that Grians been through shit and he's mimicking behaviours from when he was back with his parents and the older watchers but it's not fair.

No matter how much he wants to yell back there's always that fear. One where he knows that he can say things that he regrets. One where he does feel like a six year old being scolded by a parent. There is fear that he will open his mouth and no words will come out and only sobs, or the fear that he wouldn't be able to comfort Grian after the fight, assure him that he's okay, and that everyone makes mistakes.

The aftermath of the fights are the times where they end up falling asleep, Scar having a tear stained shirt, and only letting himself gently cry once he's sure that Grian is fast asleep. It's in those moments where he feels much older than he is. He feels old enough to be Grians parent.

It's exhausting.

Walking through a forest trying to calculate every step so that he wouldn't step on the wrong leaf that made everything bad again, but no matter how hard he tries he just can't seem to avoid it.

Scar is tired. The kind of tired that sleep won't fix.

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