Fear that creeps up on you

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The seeping feeling of paranoia seeps into your bones without you even realizing it.

Grian had been having a perfectly normal day, nothing out of the ordinary, just a regular day. He was a little bit anxious but that's okay. Throughout the day, he found himself watching behind him for figures, swearing he saw things in the corners of his eyes, feeling like he had to lock all his doors and check every room thoroughly before he could sit down and relax even a little bit.

And now it's night. He doesn't think he's been this anxious for years. Something is wrong and he knows it.

He sits in his bed with the lights on, knowing he needs to go to bed but he's convinced that if he moves from this spot, his back against the wall in the corner, something will appear behind him.

He eventually manages to logic his way out of that thought process, that's not real, nothing can appear behind him. So, he gets up and walks over to the light before flicking it off and getting back into bed.

He lays down and gets under the covers, about to turn around when he feels eyes on him. He's being watched from inside his room. He looks into the darkness and swears he can see a figure. And then there's a creak. He knows he's going to die.

Until nothing happens. Fuck.

He takes a deep breath and feels the anxiety that has built up in his bones causing him to feel so paranoid. To be completely honest he just wants to sleep. But he still feels like he's in danger and he swears there's at least three bugs crawling on him.

Grian pulls out his communicator.

Grian: hey u still up?

GoodTimeWithScar: yeah wsp?

Grian: just wondering if you would be interested in having a super awesome sleepover right about now?

GoodTimeWithScar: Grian, it is midnight.

Grian: it's never too late for a sleepover scar. 0-0

GoodTimeWithScar: be there in 10.

When Scar gets there, they don't do too much before heading to sleep.

With scar beside him he feels the eyes fade away and a safe and warm feeling starting to replace his anxiety.

With a deep breath on the edge of sleep he knows that anxiety can sneak up on you, that the feeling of paranoia seeps into your bones without you even realizing it. But he also knows that scar is really warm, and that he's glad he asked for help.

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