Everybodys falling in love and im falling behind

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Scar was broken.

He knew it. Something's wrong, and he knows what's wrong, but he doesn't know why it's wrong.

There has always been this odd feeling surrounding him about relationships, ever since he had known people, it seemed like relationships are a big part of who they are, something necessary, however, Scar can't help but feel sick when thinking about being in one.

He's been on Hermitcraft long enough for him to watch most of the server's couples get together. He had been there when the ZIT team was formed, and he had been the wingman for both Mumbo and Grian when they had called him separately to rant about their crushes.

So, with over half of the people on the server being in romantic relationships, Scar can't help but feel behind. He likes most of the ideas of being in a relationship, the cuddles, the kisses, the loving someone until the day you die, but for some reason, it just feels icky. He can't put his finger on it but the special kind of love sounds so amazing but so foreign at the same time.

Scar has tried so hard to love people that way. Even so, he can't seem to find a difference between the love he feels for the people around him, and the love he feels for the outdoors, or soft sunlight, or his blankets, or even the spider on his bedroom wall.

Scar loves everything so much that he couldn't imagine loving anything more. How could he love someone more and differently than his friends? How can anyone do that?

There's still so much expectation for him, there's so many questions about it from his friends. Why can't he just be normal? Why can't he feel love? What if he doesn't love anyone, and he just tolerates the people around him while never actually caring about them as much as he thinks he does.

He wants to think he cares about his friends, wants to think he loves them. But you can't love a forest, and you can't love sunlight, nor can you love a spider on the wall or any blankets. So if Scar loves those things as he loves his friends, does he know how to love? If he can't even love his friends, how would he be able to love a partner?

He knows the answer. He's broken and he can't love, and he will never know love in the way his friends do.

Sometimes that's okay. Sometimes he can tolerate that and just feel free loving life as he does. Other times, he soaks in the knowledge that everything about him is broken.

He was raised in a cult, then kicked out, then no one wanted him, and now he can't do anything as simple as loving people.

He can't talk to people, he can't help but fidget when he's happy and jump and smile, can't help but get weird looks, that he's talking to loud, that he's too passionate about his interests. And on top of that he will never ever be able to love.

Scar is broken and he just wants to know how he can fix it. He wants to be normal; he wants to love.


Ps. If you feel like this or are aromantic or questioning it, you aren't broken, you just love differently and that's ok :))

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