Sky Island 14

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With the crew, excluding Nami, still on the beach they spit up into either pairs or solo to do their own things. Luffy was standing beside the broken waver as Pagaya had once again started looking at it. "Hurry up and fix it~! I wanna ride it soon!" He was sparkling with anticipation.
"Oh." However, out of nowhere Captain McKinley appeared. "That Waver right there... it seems to be broken." He had pointed this out after seeing it. "If that is your doing, it is a Class-10 crime." He had suddenly stated this to him. "Destruction of Sky Island property by Blue Sea dwellers, that is."
"No, no! I'm sorry. This is actually their property." That was when Pagaya spoken up to defend the group.
"That's right! It's mine!" While Luffy shouted at him in annoyance.
"Their property? That's quite suspicious." While saying that, the beret wearing man had grabbed to helm of the Waver. "There should not be any Wavers on the Blue Sea. If this was stolen from Sky Island, then it would be a Class..."
"Shut up already! Before I kick your ass!" The young man wearing a Strawhat had gotten tried of the man repeating himself over and over again. Someone's ear had stood up upon hearing the words used.
"Kick my ass...?" Not to mention agitated the one it was being said to.
"Y-You heard nothing!" In a split moment, Usopp had dashed over of Luffy, grabbing him from behind and covered the young man's lips. "You're the one wrong here, Luffy!" To then finally take off, dragging his captain with him.
You lowly Blue Sea dwellers... You dare to insult us, the White Berets. You fools. These thoughts seemed to be going through Captain McKinley, he had no idea that a set of eyes were watching him.

The time seemed to be moving slowly as the crew left on the beach were slit off between each other. "Now this is nice. These seats are so cushiony." Sanji was lounging away on the cloud couch with a tea set beside him. On the other side of the set sat Robin, simple flicking through the book in her hand. But on her side sat another who was reading away as well, Jián. Then there was Zoro, who was quietly sleeping away with the little fox a little off to him as it was sleeping away as well, while Lián patted away on it as she was laying on her stomach humming with her legs kicking in the air above.
"It's a huge one...!" At the same time, Usopp was using all his strength on pulling in the fishing rode he had in hand.
"Don't let it get away, Usopp!" This had been said as Chopper was trying to help by holding his leg down.
"It's about to get away!" Their were having difficulties trying to wheel it in.
"Luffy, hurry!" Which caused the doctor to shout to his captain.
"Oh! Leave it to me!" And then soon all three of them were pulling with all their might to pull the other end in.
"IT'S A BIG ONE!" They were having difficulties pulling it in but they finally managed to do it. A large yellow fish had been pulled out from the clouds. However, the moment it was out of the water the sting snapped and the three began rolling down the small hill of cloud they were ontop of. While at the same time Conis was screaming in pure terror as the fish was heading right for her, ready to swallow the young woman full. Until Zoro's eyes swung up and he leaped for the fish with his Katana draw where he had the back in front and strike before slamming his feet down on it to leap away. The fish came land on the ground cry as it was still alive.
"What the hell is that? Another funky fish..." Usopp could only ask as it was a fish his never seen before.
"It was about to eat Conis!" Chopper spoke up it in shock.
"So this is another type of Skyfish?" Zoro was wondering this, which it clearly was.
"It sure it ugly." Lián stated as she stood beside the swordsman.
"Ah, excuse me." All four heads turned upon hearing Pagaya's voice. "My sincere thanks for saving Conis." He was grateful for the fact that Zoro saved his daughter.
"Father, that fish..." however, soon the two skypieans seemed a bit worried as they were looking at the fish.
"This is most distressing..." had been stated by the middle-age man.
"Well, well." Then out of nowhere Captain McKinley appeared. "This Skyfish is a rare species. Its capture is prohibited. You have violated the law protecting rare species! That is a Class-9 crime!" He had once again stated this to them.
"What makes it a crime!? Zoro saved Conis' life!" Chopper was shouting in protest, since it wasn't like they purposely did anything. However, the man began chuckling as he was looking over to them.
"Zoro, did you finish it off?" Usopp was looking over to his friend asking him.
"Hit it with the back of my sword." He had informed them, in other words he didn't kill it.
"Ah, that's good! Then if we release it, there's no harm done, right?" The long nose sniper turned to the fish where he kicked it. The fish's eyes shot open and once again was crying as it was flapping it's tail in the cloud ocean. "Yosh! Look at that! He's just fine!"
"Hmm, does that considered fine?" Lián asked as she was watching crying it's eyes out due to the abuse it suffered from Zoro and Usopp.
"Looks tasty!" But then out of nowhere Luffy appeared
"W-Wait, Luffy! Don't do it! Don't—" and took a bite of the live fresh fish.
"You cannot deny trying to eat it!" A smirk of satisfaction appeared across Captain McKinley's face. "Tantamount to theft—that is Class-8 crime!"
"I think I'm getting why she said 'something bad is going to happen'." Jián had come to stand just within the shelter looking out to Lián and the others. He was beginning to feel the same way as the actions being carried out by the White Berets' Captain were odd. It was almost like he was trying to place them as criminals for some reason.

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