Into the Hellfire we go!

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Kai flopped down onto his bed with a sigh, taking off his beloved beanie hat and running a hand through his brown hair that the hat concealed. The day had been long, between putting up with Jay's tormenting, which had been a constant in his life ever since he was in preschool, and basketball practice, he was ready to just lie in his bed for a week.

He'd also gotten into a fight recently with Cole, his best friend, over him raising concerns about Cole's secret alcohol consumption, and they had not spoken to each other since.

Granted they were teenagers on the cusp of adulthood and pretty much every teen indulges in a little alcohol at some point, as is the way life goes, Cole would steal beer from his alcoholic father and get himself drunk whenever he was upset, which concerned him greatly.

Kai worries that he'd become an alcoholic just like Lou and had confronted him about it a few days previous when he came to school with a hangover after losing a football game the night before.

He was the captain of the team and he always took losses to heart. He'd caught his friend throwing up in the boy's bathroom during lunch and helped him through it, but then confronted him about his alcohol problem. Cole did not take it well, basically telling Kai to 'screw off' and that it 'wasn't a problem'.

This pissed him off and to make a long story short, they were caught yelling at each other, Kai pinned against the wall of the bathroom by Cole, and were sent to the counselor who then sent the boys home.

Cole hadn't shown up to school since, but according to a football team member Kai questioned, he was still going to football practice after school. Kai sent him texts asking if he was okay and apologizing for the fight, but they were ignored.

"Whatever.. can't say I didn't fucking try," Kai huffed, rubbing his eyes with a hand. There was a mix of anger, worry, and sadness brewing inside him and it was exhausting. He cared a lot about Cole, after all. They'd been best friends ever since they were super little. Super best friends, in fact. He sighed at the silly name, one they'd made when they were young, but it was still used it from time to time.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but reveal a small smirk at the thought of the childish title they'd bestowed upon themselves all those years ago, but secretly it still made him happy. In fact, Cole in general made him happy.

Any fights they had were usually out of concern for one another in some way and were usually resolved pretty quickly after some 'gay little speech' as Jay called it, but this one seemed it wouldn't settle as easily. Kai felt a twinge of guilt in his stomach, he'd probably struck a sensitive cord with Cole during their fight and he could've handled the situation better.

They both said some choice words that Kai definitely regretted. The brown haired boy had a hard time controlling his anger even now.

"Maybe I'll stop by his house tomorrow. Even if he won't face me, I can at least ask his parents if he's okay.." he thought out loud. He glanced at his clock. It was 11:30 at night.

"Damn.." He sat up and decided he was going to get ready for bed. At least it was Friday and the weekend could give him a break. He'd never been much the type to stay out super late, definitely not partying or doing drugs or whatever else. He was pretty sure his mom would literally destroy him if she found out he was doing that stuff anyway.

Just as he was getting up though, his phone buzzed. He quirked a brow as he picked up the device. He figured it was Morro, as that boy never seemed to sleep. A part of him felt a nervous pang in his stomach though. He was secretly hoping it was Cole.

It was a notification from Snapchat. He'd long since turned off message previews on his phone since his friends would send some pretty wild texts, so he couldn't tell who sent it. He'll never forget the time Morro accidentally sent him a dick picture, one that was meant to go to Zane. It's forever scorched into his mind, even the lewd caption that accompanied it.

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