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Cole's eyes begrudgingly peeled open as the light from his bedroom window decided to be especially bright right on his face. He quickly shut them again though as his eyes stung.

He let out a sharp breath of displeasure as he waited for them to adjust. His head was pounding and his body was sore, definitely one of the worst hangovers he's had. He noticed something warm pressed up against his side, definitely a person. In his sleepy, hungover haze, he had yet to recall what had happened the night previous.

For now, he had no clue what was happening and he had to figure it out. Had he gotten some action in his drunken state? How awkward that would be. He finally cracked open an eye to look down at whoever had ended up in his bed to see a familiar head of brown hair, a pale hand lightly gripping his shirt as the familiar form of Kai quietly slept, snuggled up against his side.

All memories came flooding back to him from the night before and he turned bright red, his heart pounding as his body stiffened up. He'd confessed his love and asked Kai to be his boyfriend! And what's even crazier, Kai confessed his feelings as well and agreed! What the fuck!

As if on cue, the one deemed his super best friend let out a quiet grumble and nuzzled his face deeper into Cole's chest, trying to block out the sun.

Kai was a very light sleeper, and disturbing his slumber brought on a grumpy,
Brown-headed onslaught of sleep deprived rage that was feared by many. The affectionate gesture only made Cole more jittery as butterflies fluttered in his stomach like a swarm of locusts.

"...Cole?" A quiet, sleepy voice croaked.

"Y-You're awake?"

"Mmn.. I am now..."

"Sorry about that.."

"Wha..y'doin..?" Kai mumbled sleepily as he picked up his head, cracking open an eye to look up at Cole.

"Ah.. you know.. just uh.. chillin.." Shit, he was so cute when he was sleepy, Cole thought to himself. He had no idea how to act.

"Bet you have a pretty nasty hangover, huh?"


"..You okay?"


"I can head home, if you want.. I'm sure you've got a lot on your mind." Kai opened his eyes fully and looked up at his friend with a twinge of worry on his face.

"No, no." He placed a hand on Kai's head, heart melting has his hand sunk into the soft brown hair. Usually any time someone tried to touch his hair, Kai batted their hand away with a frightening amount of speed, but this time he allowed it.

"I was just disoriented, you know? E-Everything kinda came back at once."

"Ah." He blinked as Cole's hand lightly ran through his hair. "I guess we have some things to talk about."

"Yeah.." Cole cleared his throat. "S-So uh.. we're.. together."

"Mmhm." Kai's cheeks began to turn pink. "Guess what wasn't a dream."

"And we're both okay with this."

"I-I am.. are you..? You said you were last night, but you were drunk, so.."

"I am." He cracked a small smile as he gazed down at Kai.

"Are we gonna.. tell anyone?"

"Mn.. not yet." He rested his head back down.

"Still gotta get used to it."

"Same here." He absentmindedly twirled his finger around one of his hair. He now understood why Kai did it when he was nervous, it was calming.

"We don't need to go fast if you don't want to."

"You say that as we're in your bed together." The comment made quite a few images flash in Cole's mind, which he quickly tried to dismiss. Kai let out a small yawn.

"But yeah. One step at a time."

"What if someone finds out?"

He shrugged. "Then they find out. It won't be a secret forever.. right?"

"No." He ruffled up Kai's hair, earning a grumble from the boy.

"Quit that."

"Hehe.. sorry, not sorry." He paused. "So.. does this mean we get to, like... hold hands and stuff?"

"Considering we've already kissed and slept together, what do you think?"

"Y-Yeah." He whistled. "Nice."

"Not like that..!" he huffed. "You got anything else to add?"

"Uh.. I'm.. gay."

"No shit. We're both gay." He was quiet for a bit. "...What will our friends think? Our parents?"

"Hm.. Jay will call us fags.. Morro will probably just give a thumbs up..." Cole mumbled.

"Sounds accurate. Brad and Lloyd are gay themselves so I doubt they'd care. Pixel and Harumi are probably so used to it that they won't care either."

"Right. As for my parents.. I don't think my mom would care. Not sure about my dad though, you know how he is. He pretends to be progressive but he changes his opinions so much."

"Yeah.. I remember when you guys were morons for like, a day." This earned a snort from Cole.

"Yeah.. well, I'll just have to deal with that. What do you think your parents will say?"

"My mom will probably interview me but she's pretty accepting I guess. Or, at least she says she is. I'm not sure about my dad either. If my mom tells him to be accepting, he'll have no choice."

"Ah. Seliel will probably kick my ass."

"Nya will probably just call me gay and laugh."

"Heheh.." Cole let out an amused sigh. "My brain hurts."

"Need some Advil or something?"

"Yeahhh.. but I don't wanna move."

"Me neither. Comfy."

"Back to sleep?"


"Sweet dreams."

Kai gave a quiet grunt and snuggled back into Cole's chest, Cole's hand still entangled in his hair. He didn't bother removing it and just continued petting him. The two settled back down and eventually dozed off once more, lazily sleeping away the morning. Thankfully, no one came to check on them.

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