Just a photo

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A few months had passed since the whole drunken incident that subsequently resulted in Kai and Cole becoming boyfriends. They still had yet to make their relationship public though. Neither of the boys would admit it, but they feared rejection from their peers and families, potentially tearing them apart.

Still though, the two were inseparable. Secretly holding hands under the table at lunch, sending each other too many pictures and texts that their friends would easily classify as "mushy and gross" and "very fucking gay" if they could see them, secretly blowing each other kisses when visiting their respective sports' practices when no one else was looking and distracting them, going on secret dates, all that gay shit. In fact, they were on a date now.

The sun was slowly setting, blanketing the snowy landscape in a sea of orange and pink. Cole and Kai were hanging out at Ninjago's Pond, a place they'd been going to to hang out ever since they were kids. It was remote and quiet, so they didn't really have to worry about being caught.

They sat together on a bench overlooking the pond, which was shimmering in the fading light of the sunset. Cole closed his eyes and let out a peaceful sigh. His mental health had improved greatly over the past couple months with the support of Kai.

He'd stopped abusing alcohol, only indulging in it occasionally under surveillance of his boyfriend when he wanted to let loose a little. He'd redirected his energy and feelings into school and football, as well as into his relationship with Kai.

"What are you thinking about?" Kai asked, taking his gaze off the pond to look over at Cole.

"Oh, you know.. multiple things."

"Like what?"

"The football season. I think we're gonna end off really strong this year."

"You fuckin' better, you've been working your ass off." The blunt comment earned a chuckle from Cole.

"I told you, I'm trying my best. I've got someone to impress after all~" he hummed, elbowing Kai in the side to let him know he was referring to him, as if it wasn't obvious.

"Oh, shut up." His words were harsh, but there was no hostility in them. He said them with a smile. "What else are you thinking about?"

"Oh, you know.." He cocked a brow. "Just how I've gotta be one of the luckiest guys out there."

"Why's that?" Kai tilted his head, his gaze fixed on the raven haired boy with curiosity glinting in his eyes.

"'Cause I've got you, duh."

"I haven't really done anything though.."

"Bullshit." Cole leaned against the brown-haired boy. "You've turned my life around, Kai Smith. Thank you."

Kai blushed, shaking his head. "You've done most of the work. I'm just here to hold your hand."

"Well I suppose you've got a magic touch, then. Speaking of holding hands.." Cole took off one of his red gloves and held out his hand to Kai, who gave a fake roll of his eyes and removed his own gloves, lightly taking hold of the other boy's hand in his own.

"Geez, you've got some cold ass hands, Kai."

"Geez, you've got some warm ass hands, Cole," Kai shot back. "I wasn't wearing my gloves while we walked here, remember? Takes me a while to warm back up."

"Guess I'll have to help you out then, hm?" He lightly squeezed the smaller hand clasped in his own.

"We coulda just kept our gloves on and held hands though."

"Not as fun..." Cole pouted.

"..Eh, I guess you're right." Kai relaxed and scooted a little closer to Cole before turning his gaze back to the sunset.

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