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The rest of the day went by without much incident. Kai and Cole were walking home when Cole spoke up.

"So, Kai.."


"I have a confession to make."


"Morro and Zane.. they know."


"They kinda.. figured it out. They were cool with it though..!"

"Oh my god.."

"They promised not to tell anyone. Zane will make sure Morro doesn't say anything."

"I hope you're right.. god..."

"They also said we could.. talk to them about this kinda stuff.. y'know.. since they're gay too..."

"Do we really want advice from Morro? You do remember how he announced he and Zane were a thing, right?"

"Yup... But like, they technically did go through a similar situation as us."

"I guess you're right.."

"Give them a little more credit. They do have a pretty good relationship going. It's not all just Morro being.. Morro."

"I'd be worried for Zanes' ass if it was. Morro has the sex drive of a bunny." Kai shuddered as he recalled the sext Morro accidentally sent to him.

"I've seen too much."

Cole raised his eyebrows. "Oh my god, dude." He laughed at Kai's sudden vulgarity.

"Am I wrong?"


Kai shoved his hands in his pockets and looked up at the sky. "Did you bust Jay's ass for stealing my phone and shit?"

"Yep. They called his mom. Not sure what the result was but he got in trouble, that's for sure."

"Good." He sighed. "You'd think he'd grow the hell up by now but he still acts the exact same as he did when we were in fourth grade."

"Am I different from how I was in fourth grade?" Cole asked, looking over at him curiously.

"Hm.. well, we're more mature. We only occasionally laugh at toilet humor now," he replied jokingly, earning a chuckle from the football captain.

"Listen, a good fart joke is a good fart joke. Age shouldn't matter. But really, I want to know." Cole liked Kai's insightfulness. He was no stranger to giving his opinion, but he had periods of thoughtfulness and Cole could listen to him just talk about things for hours. He loved his mind and how it worked.

"Hm... you've definitely become a lot more.. uh.." he trailed off as he thought. "Cole.."

Cole frowned, disheartened by his struggle to say what he thought of him. "Kai..?"

Cole bit his lip and closed his eyes. "This is embarrassing.. but okay. You.. haven't changed that much, to be honest. But not in a bad way. You've always been.." he trailed off and gestured to him. "You."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Damn it, Cole.. I.. well.. you've always been genuine and loyal. You've always cared a lot about the people and things around you. Especially animals."

"And you.." he interjected.

"B-Be quiet." He let out a huff before continuing. "I remember all the times you came to my house with an injured animal in your arms, asking for help."

"Yeah.. I remember that time we locked ourselves in with a bunch of baby pigs and got super sick.."

"Or that time you brought that bird to my house because you were being hunted down by the hunters or something."

"Yup. But I remember, when I asked you for help, you just looked at me and you went, 'dude, I'm kinda finger painting right now.'" He crudely imitated Kai's voice from when he was ten and then laughed.

"Priorities, dude. I had them."

"You're right, finger painting is serious shit."

"But I still helped you out anyway. I had to kill the hunters, man.. that was fucked up."

"Yeah.. we've been through some wild shit over the years, haven't we?"


"But okay, continue with what you were saying about me. Pleaseee."

"Ugh.. well.. okay, so loyal and an animal lover, got those covered. You're also athletic.. kind of stubborn sometimes.. you don't always make the best choices.. you tend to think with your heart over your head.."

"These sound more like insults."

"I didn't say they were necessarily bad things. But just.. shit dude, this is hard."

"Why don't you have much to say about me..? Am I just... boring?"

"No, no, Cole. It's more like.. I've never met someone like you. I can't think of anyone else who could even compare. You're just.. you. Cole. I can't describe you because the words just don't exist. I could say yeah, you're strong, caring, attractive, laid back, hard working.. because you are those things, but words can't even begin to describe the scope of 'Cole Brookstone', you know? How the hell do I put the complexity of a human being like you into words? You're just you, and I love that."


"What..? Did that not come out right? I didn't mean for it to sound like a bad thing.."

"I love you, Kai." He pulled the boy into his arms and picked him up, spinning him around. "I love you."

"Ah..! I love you too dude, but put me down..!" Kai's heart was beating out of his chest. He wondered if Cole could hear it.

"Request denied. You can't just say something like that and get away with it!"

"I didn't even say all that much..!"

"Then I don't even think you understood what you said, because you said plenty." He rested his head on Kai's and let out a hum.

"We're in public..!"

"I don't even care anymore. I want the whole world to know you're mine."


"Shh.." He lightly stroked his back. "It's okay."

"I'm gonna have a panic attack."

"For real..?" He pulled away. "Are you okay? You need to sit down for a second?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine.. I just.. you know my heart can't take it, Cole. I was exaggerating a bit."

"Do you not.. like it when I'm like this? I can tone it down if it makes you uncomfortable..."

"No, no. It's the opposite." He twiddled his thumbs. "I... like it too much, and I can't handle it."

"So you're just.. super gay. And you get gay panic attacks because you're just too gay."


"You're a dork."

"And you're an asshole."

"Well, I'm your asshole."

"You're something alright," Kai replied sarcastically.

"Heyyy.. you ruined it."

"Ngh.. I'm your dork.. too.. I guess..."


They resumed their walk back home, Cole happily humming with a stride in his step, Kai following alongside him with his hands jammed in his pockets like the tsundere little shit he was.

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