Two Gays, Alcohol and the Hobbit

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The two left the restaurant and hopped on Cole's bike, taking a longer, more scenic route back home. It was dark out now, the pale moon light shining down on them, making the snow glitter.

It was pretty. They arrived back at Cole's house and Cole put up his bike and then led Kai inside.

"I cleaned up best I could. No one's gonna be home all weekend so it's just us~"

"What do you have planned, hm?"

"Glad you asked! I went out and got some stuff... ta da!" He held up two guitar star controllers.

"Managed to get my hands on these. Remember when we got like, a million points and the game called us fags?"

Kai laughed. "Oh my god, dude.. I haven't played guitar star in years..."

"Neither have I. Figured it may be fun to play together again, like when we were kids."

"I'll give it a shot, but I'm probably gonna be shit."

"Same here."

Cole set up the game and parked himself on the couch next to Kai. As expected, they were pretty rusty. But they still had a great time jamming along to all the old songs they used to play all the time. They played for a while before Kai complained that his fingers were getting tired.

"Alright, alright. That's enough for now, then," Cole decided, setting down his controller and exiting the game. "What time is it?"

"It's..." Kai paused to check his phone. "About 7:30. Damn, my phone is blowing up. How about yours?"

"Yep... well, we might as well start looking at what people are saying."

"Oh boy."

They both opened up Instagram, looking at the photo Cole posted. It had a lot of comments. They read through them together with a mix of amusement and fear. Some people were shocked, some were supportive, and some were disgusted.

Some of the more notable ones:

Morro: [okay hand sign emoji]

Zane: Sorry someone spoiled it for you guys, but congrats! I'm awful proud of you two :)

Brad: agh! You guys should hang out with Lloyd and I sometime!

Lloyd: nice. Also, I agree with Brad. Hit us up any time. We'll gay it up.

Jay: WHAT?

Jay: no. fucking. way.

Jay: you two are ACTUAL fags?! This has got to be a joke, right?

Vania: woah..

Vania: I can't say I was expecting this, but I'm happy for you both. Congratulations.

Pixel : sorry about Ronin..

Harumi: well its about fucking time

A random kid they didn't know all that well: yikes...

[excessive amount of nauseuous face emojis]

Nelson: Congrats!!

Among many more. There were girls disappointed and even upset that Cole chose a boy over them. Some, on the other hand, were absolutely thrilled. Others said they expected it, while others were surprised. Some said they'd go to hell too.

"Look what I just commented on it," Kai spoke up with a snicker.

"All it says is 'gay'. I'm done with you."

The brown haired boy laughed and let out a sigh. "Has your sister seen yet? She'll tell your parents in a heartbeat."

"Uhh.. fuck. She texted me... and I have some missed calls from my parents... this is really happening."

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