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As predicted, the two boys were a couple of very sore and hungover motherfuckers, but they were both extremely happy.

Cole snuck out of bed in the morning to make breakfast for Kai and clean up the house, then spent the rest of the day doting on him.

They both ignored the fact that their parents were texting the hell out of them, demanding answers regarding their Instagram announcement. Seliel had shown the post to Cole's parents, who subsequently showed Kai's parents.

Kai's mom was threatening to come over to the Brookstone residence for answers, so he texted her telling her that he would explain when everyone could sit down and talk after he woke up.

The boys enjoyed the rest of their weekend alone together before Cole's parents returned. They had invited over the Smiths as well without the two knowing, and all the parents summoned the two into the kitchen to sit down and have the big talk with them.

The two were scared, but being together through it made it a little easier.

"Y-Yes, mom... we are gay," Kai confirmed as he stood next to Cole, who was gently holding his hand to steady him.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but this is who we are," Cole added.

"I... we hope that.. you still love us."

"Boys..." Maya started. "Of course we still love you."

"Exactly," Lily chimed in, nodding as Kai's mom spoke.

"Cole... is this really what you want?" Lily asked, looking between them. "I want my son to be happy, but I just... it's a shock to me. You've always liked girls until now."

"Lou, if this is what makes them happy, who are we to judge?" Lily asked.

"We are happy," Cole confirmed. "Right, Kai?"

"Yeah." Kai looked to his dad, who had yet to say anything. "Dad..?"

"...I don't know how to feel about all this," Ray admitted.

"It's strange to me. It always has been. I mean, I guess I was okay with it when it was the Lloyd's and Brad's kids... but my own son..?"

"It's a shock to all of us, honey. But who are we to tell them who they can and cannot like?" Maya defended.

"We shouldn't be making it sound like it's anything alien." She turned back to the two. "It's completely natural, boys. I know it must've taken a lot of courage to tell everyone like you did."

"...You're not upset?" Kai asked.

"Of course not, boobie." Curse that old nickname.

"I'm a little sad that you didn't tell us before telling everyone on that Instagram thing you kids like so much though."

"Were you afraid to tell us..?" Lily asked. Cole and Kai looked at each other before quietly nodding.

"Boys..." Maya sighed.

"You're almost adults now. I've watched the both of you grow up. All of us here have. We would never suddenly stop loving you just for being yourselves."

"So please, don't be afraid to talk to us. You don't need to hide anything, we will always love you,"  Cole's mom continued. "Right, Lou?"

"...Yes. It'll take some getting used to, but I'm not going to stop loving my son just because he likes a boy." Lou turned to Ray and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I think you should do the same. Even if it's weird and you don't understand."

"...I will try to understand," Ray agreed. "If this makes my son happy and it's not hurting anyone, then so be it."

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