The Brookstone Residence

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The two arrived at Cole's house. Kai opened the front door which Cole had left unlocked, and was helping him inside when the familiar voice of his mom, Lily, rang out.

"Cole? Is that you coming in?"

"I.. yeah, mom..."

She rushed into the room. "Where have you been? Your father and I were worried sick..!" She noticed Kai.

"You were with Kai..? I thought you two had gotten into a fight?"

"We did.. but we made up," Cole replied with a hiccup, unable to hide the fact he was hammered.

"Were you.. drinking..? Cole..!"

"Y-Yeah.. Kai came and got me.."

"You're in a lot of trouble, young man." She looked to Kai.

"Thank you for bringing him home... Do you need me or Cole's father to walk you back to your house..? It's pretty late."

"No, that's alright, I can wa-"

"He's gonna spend the night..!" Cole interjected. Kai looked at him in confusion.

"He's gonna.. keep me out of trouble.. n' stuff.." He nudged Kai.

"I-I could but.. I didn't bring anything for that, Cole.."

"It's okay.. I've got you covered.. so you gotta sleep over, okayyy..?"

"I.. okay. Sure." He gave up and nodded, too tired to really fight back.

"If that's okay with you, Mrs. Brookstone"

"Cole, I should send you to your room right now and discuss with your father what your punishment will be..!"

"But mom..! You know Kai, he's a goodie-goodie, he'll make sure I stay out of trouble tonight..! We just made up, I haven't seen him all week practically.."

"Goodie-goodie..?" Kai echoed, mildly offended.

"Yeah, I suppose that's true... at least he listens to his parents and doesn't do.. this..!" She gestured to Cole.

"I know... So can he..?"

"I guess.. but then first thing tomorrow, you're getting grounded mister, so spend time with your friend while you can. Your father and I will figure out for how long later."

"Friend? He's more than thaaaat.." Cole protested.

"What?" both Kai and Lily questioned at the same time.

"Well, like, we-"

"We're best friends, haha..! Yep..! That's what the joke was, very funny Cole..! Cmon now, you need to get to bed..!" Kai interjected, covering Cole's mouth with his free hand.

"Drunk people.. always saying weird stuff, haha..." His eyes flicked nervously between a confused Lily and Cole who was now trying to lick Kai's hand to get him to stop covering his mouth.

"Hey, sick, dude..! Quit that..!"

"Right... okay... anyway, it's off to bed with the both of you." She was much too aggravated with her son to really look into that whole exchange and question it.

"Right away, Mrs. Brookstone," Kai agreed, beginning to lead Cole up the stairs.

"Kai?" Lily called after him.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Thank you for looking out for Cole. He's lucky to have a friend like you." Kai smiled and nodded at this.

"Thank you, Mrs. Brookstone."

"Keep him out of trouble."

"I'm trying my best." Kai walked Cole up into his room and had him sit down on his bed.

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