About Time

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They entered Cole's room, and with no words necessary, Kai gently deposited his prize on his bed, climbing on and looming over him, examining him with heavy lidded eyes.

The brown haired boy laid there, cheeks flushed and his chest rising and falling with his hard, flustered breaths.

"I didn't ask you to stop..." He made grabby hands, beckoning for Cole to resume their activities.

He obliged without a word, placing his lips on his once more. Things continued to get heated, and Cole was made aware of a dense, bubbly feeling churning in his gut and a pressure building somewhere down south. Every little movement and noise Kai seemed to make just strengthened it.

Subconsciously, he was lightly grinding against the boy beneath him, sending tingles of pleasure coursing through his body. He was trying his best to restrain himself though, out of fear Kai would be made uncomfortable and request they stop. But Cole craved the friction desperately.

"Cole..." Kai breathed, pulling away for a moment.

"Yeah..?" he breathed worriedly.

"Are you.. ah... you know..." He gave a slight swivel of his hips, which elicited a quiet moan from Cole.

"A-Ahhn..~ S-Sorry..! I couldn't control myself just then.." He bit his lip and looked shamefully down at his boyfriend.

"No, no, it's okay... I'm glad I'm not the only one who's..."

"..So unbelievably turned on right now?" he asked hopefully.

"Y-Yes. Fuck.." Kai huffed. "You remember that favor you owe me from the race?"


"I'd like to redeem it, if you don't mind..."

"What would you like..?" he asked with a twinge of worry, but also excitement.

"..I want you to fuck me, Cole. If that's okay with you, that is.."

Cole stared at him for a time, his heart pounding as the words echoed in his head.

"If you don't want to, it's fine... I just.. I want you..." Kai trailed off, growing disheartened and thinking that he had been too forward, and was making Cole uncomfortable.


"S-Sorry.. I just almost.. ah... busted.." He let out an embarrassed laugh.

"F-From just hearing me ask that...?"

"God, yes... fuck, Kai... I've been waiting for this moment... it's even better than how I fantasized..."

"So.. is that a yes..?"

"Sure is~ Let me get prepared..." He slid off Kai and leaned over, rummaging around in his nightstand drawer.

"S-So... how are you wanting me to do this..?"

"I-I..! How do you think, dude? Fuck me! Your dick, in my ass," he huffed, growing extremely flustered.

"Isn't that how it works between two guys?"

"Fuck.. alright.. in that case..." He pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom and set them down on the nightstand.

"Why did you have those..?"

"Oh.. you know.. can never be too prepared.. I said I've wanted this.." He cleared his throat and gave an embarrassed smile.

"Ah.. have you ever.. done this..?"

"Not with a guy, no... but I've uh.. researched... experimented..." He trailed off as his cheeks flushed red.

"W-Well..? Shall we..?"

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