Going Public

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The time came. Everything was tidied up and set up for their date, all that was left was to go pick up Kai. He pulled on his brown coat that he always wore since it was chilly out over a white button up shirt and some nice black pants.

He sported a red bow tie he stole from his dad. Carefully picking up a bouquet of flowers he'd placed on the kitchen counter, he hurried out the door and excitedly made his way over to Kai's house. Knocking on the door, he hid the roses behind his back and put on a suave grin as Kai answered the door.

Cole had had a smooth pick up line in mind, but he found himself at a loss for words as he took in the sight of his neatly groomed and nicely dressed boyfriend standing in the doorway.

"..Fuck.." he breathed.

"And hi to you too, Cole." Kai cocked a brow.

"Heheh.. sorry.. it's just... shit dude, you look really good."

Kai crossed his arms and looked away shyly. "Well, I uh.. thank you. So do you." More quietly he added, "but you always do."

"T-These are for you..!" he exclaimed, holding out the roses.

Kai looked back over to him and gave a small smile.

"They're really pretty, Cole. Thank you." He took them and motioned for him to come inside.

"Come inside a sec, I'm gonna put these in a vase so they live longer."

"'Kay." He followed in after the boy, getting a waft of a nice smelling cologne. "You really went all out, didn't you? You smell nice."

"I-Its not like I'm wearing a suit and tie or something..! Unless I was supposed to.. I wasn't sure how nice to dress. Will this do?" he asked, gesturing to his clothing before getting out a vase in his kitchen and filling it with water.

"It's great. You look great~" he hummed, leaning over the boy as he put the flowers delicately in the vase.

"Besides, I can't quite afford to take you somewhere with a dress code that fancy on a minimum wage job, as much as I'd like to."

"That's fine, you'll see me in a tux when you take me to prom," he replied rather casually. He was quiet for a minute as Cole cocked a brow and grinned.

"Prom, eh? Thinking that far ahead are we?"

"T-That slipped out. You heard nothing."

"I'll pretend I didn't, only because I don't wanna spoil the prom-posal."

"You just did."

"Shh. You heard nothing."

"And neither did you."

"Deal~" he chimed and leaned down, placing a kiss on his cheek before standing up. "Shall we be off? Our evening awaits, my love."

"Oh my god." He set the vase down on the counter and turned to look up at him. "Are we at the pet name stage now?"

"I wanted to sound cool."

"You sounded like a dork."

"No pet names then?"

"I didn't say that."

"How about honey?"

"That's kinda Lloyd's thing for Brad."


"Too gay."


"Too anime."

"Heh.. uh.. hm.. babe? Hon? Love? Sugarbear?"

"Call me sugarbear and I'll kick your ass."

"Then what do you suggest..?"

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