Back to School

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Kai still ended up having a hard time falling asleep that night. Damn it, Cole. He awoke the next morning to a bunch of new messages from Cole.

C: you up?

C: guess not

C: ok wake up now

C: kaiiiiiii

C: how the hell has the text tone not woken you up?
you're such a light sleeper

C: I'm gonna spam you with stupid memes

C: I wanna know if we're walking to school together today or not since we have to leave early if we do

C: I'm gonna carry you to school in your pajamas if you don't wake up

Kai was equal parts amused and annoyed at the bombardment of texts. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and texted him back.

K: holy shit dude
K: you're like the obsessive girlfriend that sends a billion texts when her boyfriend doesn't respond right away

K: not all of us can wake up disgustingly early in the morning

C: welcome to the world of the living

K: why did you keep texting when it was evident I was asleep

C: I was bored

K: figures

K: anyway, yes we can walk together. Meet you outside in ten minutes?

C: I'm already outside

K: why the fuck

K: how long have you been out there

C: like half an hour

K: dude holy shit why it's freezing out there

C: I was trying to wake you up by throwing things at your window but then I gave up

K: Christ, dude

K: I woulda killed you

K: but ok hold on

Kai sighed and climbed out of bed, quietly heading downstairs. He always left for school so early that usually none of his family was ever awake, so he did his best to not wake them up.

He cracked open the front door and poked his head outside and sure enough, Cole was standing out in the street, pacing back and forth and looking at his phone.

"Cole!" Kai whispered as loud as he could manage. Cole's head jerked up and looked over.

"Kai? You said you wouldn't be out for ten more minutes. You're not even dressed?"

"Yeah well, I'm not gonna let you stand in the cold. Come on." He motioned for Cole to come inside. The black haired boy beamed and scampered inside, Kai quietly closing the door behind him. "You gotta be quiet, okay? Everyone is asleep."

"Gotcha," he whispered.

"C'mon, I gotta get ready." Kai started heading up the stairs, knowing Cole would follow.

"I have been curious as to how you tame that hair of yours." It was even crazier than normal this morning.
"It's a really complicated process," Kai replied as he made his way into the bathroom.


"Water," he grunted as he turned on the sink, quickly dunked his head under, and then turned it off. He ran his hands through his hair and shook off the excess water. Finally, he barely ran a comb through it and then shook his head, looking back up at Cole. "A very complex routine as you can see."

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