Under the bleachers

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The next few days went by without much incident. People were still speculating about Cole's mystery lover, but the hype had died down some. Jay had tried to get people to pay him in exchange for revealing their identity, but got in trouble for it shortly after.

Cole and Kai still kept everything extremely secretive, only doing anything remotely of the homosexual variety when no one else was around. They discovered that they could get under the bleachers and hide there during gym class to hang out without being seen, as hardly anyone ever hung out there.

Plus, they could see when someone was coming before they could see them which allowed them to feign like they had just snuck away from class to play on their phones.

This day was just like that. They were hanging out under the bleachers, gaying it up. The area was commonly used by the goth kids to smoke cigarettes when they got kicked out from the back of the school so it wasn't the most romantic place to be, but it had integrated itself into their daily routine and they now looked forward to gym class for that reason.

"Mmfn.. Cole.." Kai mumbled in between kisses, causing Cole to pull away for a moment.


"You've barely let me get out a sentence this whole time! Every time I speak you just kiss me again!"

"Sorry... I'm just in the mood for kissing you today. Can't control it.. must sate the hunger.." he replied dramatically, giving Kai the puppy dog eyes.

"I need to breathe at some point..!"

"That's why you have a nose."

"It's kinda hard when you're busy eating my face. We have lunch next period if you're hungry, dude," he retorted.

Cole chuckled and feigned a pout. "I am not eating your face. I'm being gentle."

"If that's gentle, I'm afraid to find out what a make out session would be like in your books."

"...Wanna find out?" Trap set. Kai was weak to his curiosities. The most aggressive kisses they had ever shared were from Kai and were given quickly, when he was angry. Cole always gave him long, gentle ones or quick, light ones all over his face.

He really wanted Kai to destroy his face, but was afraid that if he tried anything more aggressive, the brown haired boy might have a stroke.


"You can lead, if you want?" he offered hopefully. "Or are you against it..? I don't want to make you do anything you're not comfortable doing yet."

"It's not that, it's just.. we're at school.. and I don't really.. have experience.. doing that.."

"No one's gonna find us, alright? We'll both be listening. Everyone is right in the middle of an activity too." Cole wrapped his arms around the brown haired boy's waist, pulling him close. "It's okay if you don't know how, you'll catch on. Just copy me. I just.. I want it. Fucking kiss me, Kai. Please."

"You know what? Fuck it. Fine." The brown haired boy cupped Cole's face in his hands, pulling him in close and planting his lips on his. Like Cole had said, he caught on pretty quickly.

Cole's heart was melting, shooting electricity through his veins as Kai relentlessly made out with him.

"Kai.. mmn.." Cole breathed in between kisses, his hands wandering over the expanse of the other boy's back.

Meanwhile, Cryptor, a distant friend of Kai and Cole's, had been sent to go get some gym equipment. He knew the two snuck off to what he assumed was text and play on their phones instead of participate because they were already well known athletes in the school and all the stuff they did in class seemed mundane in comparison.

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