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Making his way into town, it was a lot quieter than usual. Drunken idiots usually roamed around at night, looking for parties and hookers and whatever else. He guessed some big name was throwing a party somewhere so that crowd had accumulated somewhere else this evening.

His pale green eyes scanned the streets and sidewalks for his friend. He spotted the outline of Cole sitting on the curb of the road some odd yards away. He knew that boy's frame like the back of his hand. Cole had grown quite tall as they grew up and a bit muscular from his years of football.

He wasn't ripped by any means, but he could take down most of the other kids in Ninjago if he wanted to. He was just well built, nothing but lean muscle and a sturdy frame. Cole on the other hand had grown some, but ended up being an often debated foot shorter than Cole with a more lithe build.

He had some muscle to him, more than anyone would ever give him credit for considering he was a short, nerdy  brown haired boy who could never seem to put on weight despite being the captain of the basketball team and being pretty damn good at the sport too, constantly exercising and eating like a horse to fuel himself.

He could dunk on anyone in Ninjago easily despite him being rather.. vertically challenged, as he liked to put it. He was not short. Not at all. He made his way up to Cole, who was in the middle of throwing up on the street. His hat was half on, revealing his messy black hair.

He'd only zipped his jacket halfway and didn't even bother to put on gloves despite it being pretty cold outside. Kai sighed and crouched beside him, patting his back until he sat back up.

"Cole? It's me."

"Kai.." the football captain mumbled quietly, turning to look at him. His eyes were half lidded and had dark rings under them. He lifted the sleeve of his jacket to his mouth and wiped away the vomit. He looked exhausted.

"What the hell happened to you, dude?"

"I... I haven't been able to sleep much. I've been feeling really bad."

"Why? Did something happen with the football team?"

He was quiet for a moment. "No... About our fight. I was worried.. I'd fucked up really bad this time. That I'd.. made you hate me."

"Cole..." Kai sighed. "I texted you multiple times asking if you were okay and apologizing for the fight. If I hated you, would I have done that? You ignored me, so honestly, this thought process should be the other way around."

"I know, but.." He looked down at the ground between his feet, where he'd just thrown up and grimaced.

"Even if you are an idiot, and a hardheaded jackass sometimes, I'd never hate you, Cole."

"Hey.. ngh..." He closed his eyes and sighed, picking up a bottle sitting to his side and lifting it to his lips.

"Cole, put the fucking drink down or so help me.."

"It's almost empty, just let me finish it."

"No!" Kai hissed, snatching the bottle away from his friend. "Enough!"

"Give it back..!"

"No! You're cut off, Cole. In fact.." He looked down at the bottle and then lifted it to his own mouth, tilting his head back and gulping down the rest of the drink. He then slammed the bottle down on the curb and let out a growl of a sigh.

"It's fucking gone. And if you have any more on you, I'll drink those too so there's none left for you." He grimaced as the flavor hit him.

"That damn s'mores drink? Seriously? Don't you remember how fucked up this stuff made our dads?"

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