Lunchtime with the boys

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The rest of gym passed uneventfully. Cole, Kai, Morro, and Zane headed off to lunch and met up with Jay. Sitting down at their usual table, the normal lunch protocol ensued.

Jay was staring at Cole and Kai with a smug look on his face, Morro sat there quietly, Zane was chattering away, and Kai was about to flip the table at Jay if he didn't wipe the stupid look off his face, but Cole stopped him from doing so.

"I know who Cole's girl is..~ I'm gonna tell everyone~"
Zane and Morro glanced at each other in knowing, but said nothing.

"Shut the hell up, ginger, like fuck you do," Kai replied bitterly as he ate.

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, Kai. Cole told me eeeeverything~"

"Stop, Jay. Just stop," Cole sighed.

"You're both just mad that I beat you. I'm going to tell everybody and there's nothing you can do about it." He tapped his finger on his chin.

"But why are you so angry, Kai? What does Cole's girlfriend have to do with you.. unless you're..." He leaned in closer. "Jealous?"

"Or maybe you're just pissing me the fuck off. You forced Cole to tell you that shit because you stole my phone."

"And now I know everything, so I win, Kai. You'll just have to accept that."

Kai clenched his fist in anger and stood up. "I'm going to fucking kill you, Jay. I swear to god."

"Kai. It's not worth it." Cole patted his back. "Just go take a breather."

Kai looked down at him and sighed. "Fine... I'll be back." He jammed his fists in the pockets of his jacket and stomped off angrily.

"Well geez... can't you fellas just get along already?"

Zane piped up. "Aren't you friends?"

"I hate that fag," Jay replied bluntly. "His pain and anger bring me joy."

"Well that's not very nice, Jay.. if you guys aren't even buddies, why hang out?" the kind-hearted sliver haired boy asked.

"That's a mystery we've been trying to solve for years," Cole interjected indignantly.

"No one here likes Jay. He just won't leave us alone. He's like.. the human embodiment of stepping on a piece of gum and it gets all in the grooves of your shoes and no matter how much you try to get it out, you can't, and it's gross."

"Fuck you, Cole. You're just mad because I outsmarted you and your stupid boyfriend. You two are such a couple of fags, I swear to god.."

Cole flipped Jay the bird.

"Now quit that..." Zane protested.

"You're telling me you still like him after all the shit he's done to you and put you through over the years?"

"Well, we were just kids then... we all did things as kids we regret now.."

"He STILL puts you through bullshit. The only reason he's dialed it down is because Morro will literally fucking destroy anyone who messes with you too much," Cole argued. Morro shrugged and nodded.

Zane looked like he was struggling to come up with an argument, it was ingrained in him to be optimistic and forgiving, but he had nothing to argue. "Well, I.. well.. ah..."

Morro patted him on the back.

"Screw you guys. Seriously."

"Whatever, Jay." Cole stood up. "I'm gonna go check on Kai, make sure he's not punching any lockers again."

"Go on then, go stop your little fag boyfriend's temper tantrum," Jay teased, reaching over and snatching some of Kai's food off his tray and scarfing it down.

"Fuck off, that's not yours, fuckass!"

"I don't see Kai here telling me I can't have any. You snooze, you lose."

Cole rolled his eyes and spun around on his heel, trotting off to go find Kai. He pulled out his phone and texted him.

C: Hey dude, you ok? Where are you?

K: bathroom

C: omw

He slid his phone back in his pocket and walked down the hallway, entering the boy's bathroom. Kai was stood by the sink, angrily staring into the mirror.

"Hey, dude. Don't let Jay get to you. He's seriously not worth it."

"He just fucking.. infuriates me."

"I know. He pisses us all off. But when you get mad like this, he wins. He does this shit because he knows he'll get reactions. If you don't give him them, he will lose all his power over you."

"It's not that easy. You know I can't control my anger."

"I know... but still." Cole walked over to him and hugged him from behind. "I'm not gonna let him do anything to you. He's all talk, okay?"

"Even if he is all talk, it still pisses me off."

"Then we can find a way for you to redirect your frustration and anger into something that won't fuel Jay."

"Like what?"

"Well.. I'm always down for a little exercise."

Kai squinted his eyes and looked at Cole through the mirror. "Exercise?"

"Yeah. That would certainly burn off a lot of steam, wouldn't it?"

Kai was slowly turning red as he thought about it. "What.. kind of.. exercise.. are we talking about, here..?"

"...What kind of exercise are you thinking about?"

"...Uh. I.. that's not important..!" Kai barked.

"Oh my god..." He cracked a grin and grabbed him by the shoulders. "You have a dirty mind, don't you, Kai? Been hanging around Morro a lot lately?"

"Shut up! You're wrong!"

Cole leaned down close to his ear. "But yes, that type of exercise would burn off a ton of tension and frustration, you're not wrong there~" he hummed.

At this point, Kai.exe had stopped working. He was as red as his beanie, sputtering to himself. Cole gently spun him around and pulled him in for a kiss.

"It's alright, Kai.. I'll keep it in mind.." he breathed and he planted kiss after kiss on him.

"Cole..! Someone could walk in at any minute..!" the green eyed boy managed to protest in between smooches.

"Unfortunate. I've been deprived all day, I need my Kai..~"

"C-Can't you wait until after school..?! Somewhere... private...?"

"It's not my fault you're so damn cute when you get like this. I just can't seem to control myself."

"Well you better learn to..!" He pinched his nose and Cole let out a whine in protest, letting go of him. "I'll control my anger, you control your.. that." He gestured to Cole.

"My dick?"


"You drive a hard bargain, Smith. But I guess I can accept."

"Good." He bit his lip and looked up at Cole. "..It only applies for school though," he added quickly.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Let's head back to lunch, I need to finish eating." He quickly exited the bathroom before Cole could question him any longer.

Truth be told he did hear him, and he had been given flashbacks to some of the mildly raunchy things Kai had said on his secret Instagram. He smirked and followed after him.

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