Chapter 3

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It has been three days since I went on that date with Mia and still, I have not yet called Pelumi. I am still debating on whether to give it a go or just leave it.

''Come on Giovanni, you can do this. It's just talking and that's it.'' My inner voice said. Finally, after hours of going back and forth with my thoughts, I decided to call him.


''Hello, who is this?''

uughh bad idea Giovanni what was I thinking?

''Hello?'' He asked again.

''He-hello its Giovanni,'' I spoke.

''Am sorry I do not know anybody by the name Giovanni.'' He spoke.

Say something more!

''Ooh we meet the other day in the washroom, and you gave me your number.''

There was silence on the other end. Maybe he was trying to remember. Please remember, please remember I had crossed my fingers on this and then...

''Oh, right I remember sorry I did not recognize your name.''

''It's okay,'' I said breathing out heavily.


What should I say?

''Maybe we could meet and talk and introduce each other properly.'' He said breaking the silence. I was glad.

''Umm yeah.'' I spoke.

''Where do you suggest we meet.''

''I-I Yess, at the hotel where we meet,'' I said. I decided on that place because for once I am meeting with a stranger and the hotel would be safe because it's my dad's and there is security.

''Okay, when and what time?'' He asked.

''Umm today if you are free at lunch hour.''

''Okay, no problem. See you there then.'' He spoke.

''Okay,'' I said almost in a whisper and disconnected the phone. I let out a heavy breath and threw myself on the bed. I was quite frightened, but I was glad I made that phone call without stammering or I did stammer but not much.

''Dad today I have a place to go at lunchtime.''

''Really? Meeting up with Mia?''


''It's okay you can go.''

I was glad he cut me off before I could finish because I did not have an explanation to give as to why am meeting up with a stranger.

''But Tony will not be available so Joaquin will take you.'' He spoke.

''Okay, it's fine.''

''Enjoy your day son.''

''Thank you I will,'' I said and left to go and prepare myself. I am actually excited. Let's do this Giovanni, I told myself.

After some time, I arrived at the hotel 30 minutes earlier, sat down, and ordered a drink as I waited. A few minutes to One o'clock, a text comes in.

Pelumi: what color are your cloth?

I almost dropped my phone. Is he here already? That was fast. I started shaking and my hands were sweaty. I tried to take in a few breaths to calm myself down because this is my first time doing this. God help me I said.

Giovanni: a white shirt and black pants. sent

Pelumi: too obvious but I cannot see you how about you wave your hand am at the door?

The door? I tried to look towards the door, and I saw a man, slightly tall than me. He was wearing black cargo pants and a sweater on top. He was pretty attractive. Physically alluring is the word I had to say.

Giovanni: okay

I waved my hand and the person looked and he started coming towards me.

My breathing rate increased; I started shaking. Ugh, these panic attacks. Giovanni relax. I tried to calm myself down again.

''Hello, Pelumi.'' He said and stretched his hand.

I looked at him, but my hand was not moving. I am convinced that I was pale, at this moment and he noticed.

He withdrew his hand.

''Are you okay?'' He asked. ''Drink some water.'' He handed me a glass of water.

''T-thank you.'' I spoke.

He sat down and looked at me.

What is he thinking?

''I hope I am not making you feel uncomfortable.''

''Ah no it's just that I have never met a stranger before, and I panicked a little,'' I said laughing it off slightly.

''Nice to meet you,'' I spoke.

''Pleasure,'' he said.

''You do not go out often by yourself?'' he asked.

Is it too obvious? I thought.

''Yes, I do not.''

''Ooh, I see.''

''Should we order something?'' I offered.

''Yes sure.''

The waiter came and we made our orders. The food was brought, and we started eating.

I am just too aware of myself I sighed.

''Where do you stay?'' He asked.

''Umm just a few blocks from here not too far,'' I spoke. We started talking about basics and I started feeling a little comfortable and I was glad. We talked for hours talking about what we do and the few things we like. We did not go too deep into details. I mean, we are meeting for the first time.

He said he liked dancing and he started when he was little, and I wondered how his childhood was. I could not help but be a little envious considering all my childhood I had no friends; it was just me and my room and drawing. I sighed.

''Do you stay with your parents?'' I asked.

''No, I moved out at 18.'' He spoke.

''How is it like?''

''It's amazing because you get to do your things but at the same time it's overwhelming because of the responsibilities.''

''Wow.'' I spoke.

''What about you?''

''Me? I- I stay with my parents.'' I said a little bit embarrassed.

''Do not be embarrassed there is nothing wrong with living with your parents.'' He added.

''Mmmmh.'' I spoke.

We continued talking until it was time to part.

''So, when will we meet again?'' He asked.

Meet again? Am I that interesting?

''Oh, I umm I do not know,'' I spoke.

''Okay whenever you are free and next time let me choose a place where we will meet,'' He offered.

''Umm, I okay.''

''Are you okay with that?'' He asked.

''Umm yes,'' I said.

''Okay, he said I will text you. Bye.''

''Bye,'' I spoke, and he walked down to the bus stop. I called Joaquín and told him to pick me up. I could not help but smile at the small achievement. At least I had made a friend. I thought and smiled again.

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