chapter 12

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Pelumi guided him to sit, and he brought him a glass of water. He handed the water to him, and Giovanni drank slowly. Pelumi was examining him the whole time. He could not take his eyes away from him. He could not help but wonder if that information was too much for him to handle so he apologized.

''I am sorry for making you feel uncomfortable and...'' He said but Giovanni spoke before he could finish.

''There is nothing to apologize for it's just that am confused Pelumi,'' he said and Pelumi could see it in his eyes.

''I am confused if Mia was the person I did not like, or if it was just girls.'' He continues, the whole time Pelumi is quiet and lets him talk. ''It's not that I have never thought of if I liked you, I have but I did not want to think about it. I tried to convince myself that you are just a friend and could not be more than just that. Pelumi do not think that I did not think about you. I thought about you every time and I could not sleep. I was just not sure if you felt the same way I did and when you confessed at first, I was just shocked. I have never had anyone telling me that they liked me'' Giovanni finished and he felt at ease after saying that. Pelumi looked at him and he smiled at him. He was relieved that his question had been answered and that Giovanni dared to tell him all that.

''I am glad that you dared to say all that,'' Pelumi said and Giovanni smiled. The two people looked at each other. Eye to eye. Pelumi was a little bit taller than Giovanni, but it was the perfect height. There was silence in the room, but their breathing could be heard accelerating. Pelumi bent down to kiss Giovanni. His lips were against his cheek brushing it lightly. Pelumi felt Giovanni tremble, so he spoke.

''If you do not like it and want me to stop, tell me." Pelumi whispered. Giovanni nodded, and Pelumi took it as a sign to continue. He kissed Giovanni's temple and continued tracing the line of his cheekbone and suddenly his lips were against his.

Giovanni reached up and pulled Pelumi down to him. Pelumi kissed him gently, but Giovanni did not want that. He did not want that gentleness, not now. Not after all this time. Not after his longing to have a partner, the touch of a partner, of a loved one. 

Giovanni pulled Pelumi harder against him and Pelumi groaned softly, low in his throat then Pelumi's hand circled Giovanni, gathering him against him and they rolled on the couch tangled together, still kissing.


Later that evening, Giovanni and Pelumi lay side by side, still tangled up together. 

''Are you happy with the decision you made?'' Pelumi asked. 

''Yes, I am,'' he said ''I just need to come out to my dad and nanny.'' he sighed.

''It's going to be okay,'' Pelumi said rubbing his cheek. He understood the burden that comes with being gay, how people will see you, and how will your parents take it, and he understood all that.

''Just take your time and when you are ready tell your dad,'' Pelumi added and Giovanni just nodded. Just then it started pouring and Giovanni remembered what his nanny had told him, he smiled and snuggled closer to Pelumi, and the two lay there silently.

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