Chapter 11

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Giovanni's Pov

Today is on a Saturday and it's the day I have decided to talk to Pelumi. I was to call him but decided against it because I was the one in the wrong, so I went with visiting him. On Saturdays are his free days he does not usually go anywhere or do anything he told me that so I thought today will be the perfect day for my visit. I do not know if I should buy him something and write an apology letter or what. I was not sure what to do so I asked my nanny.

I found my nanny organizing what to be prepared for lunch. I took my seat and waited for her to finish what she was doing.

''My love? I did not notice you.''

''Hello, nanny I need help with something.''

''Okay, what is it?''

''You remember the friend I told you about?'' I asked and she nodded so I continued, ''Something happened between us, it was not an argument but...'' I said not finding the right words. ''But I feel like I am in the wrong, so I want to apologize to him, and I do not know what to do,'' I said nonstop. when I finished, she was gawking at me.

''You lost me. if it was not an argument then what was it?'' she asked. I was not sure if I wanted to tell her about it so I dodged the question.

''It's nothing big I just need help nanny please can you help me?'' she looked at me with widened eyes before responding. 

''okay if buying him something makes you feel better go for something that he likes and if it's an apology say it from the heart and with your true feelings,'' she said. 

''okay nanny, thank you.''

''Stop right there young master,'' she said she never calls me that, and if she does it's on a rare occasion and this is one.

''Eh-eh what is happening?'' she asked.

''Nanny, I will tell you I promise just give me time, okay?'' I said pleading with her. She nodded and agreed to let me go.

After debating for a long time, I decided to buy him some flowers. I was nervous, I did not even tell him I was coming, and I did not know how he will react. My uncle kept looking at me and he made me even more nervous, but he told me to go for it. After I arrived at his place I was sweating. I told my uncle I will call him later to pick me up, so he does not have to wait. I checked my watch. It was 9 am. He should be awake by now I thought.

I rang the doorbell once and there was no answer. maybe he is not in I should have called him before coming. On the third ring he opened the door, and I just stood there, he must have woken up now because his hair looked messy, and his eyes were half open.

''Giovanni?'' He asked surprised. Of course, he was surprised who disappears for almost a week and reappears at your door with flowers.

''Hi -hi Pelumi.'' I said stuttering.

''Hello, come in.'' He said showing me in.

''This is for you.'' I handed him the flowers and he hesitated before he took them, but I went on. ''I know it has been days since we saw each other and I did not answer your calls and your texts,'' I said.

''yes, that you did,'' he said smiling. I sigh. A sigh of relief.

''I also came to apologize, and I got you those flowers?'' I pointed at them.

''Yes, they are beautiful thank you,'' he says. he puts the flowers down and proceeds to the kitchen to brew coffee.

''I am not mad am just disappointed that you just disappeared on me, and I was frustrated that you did not answer my calls.'' He spoke. Yes, I know, I thought it was very disrespectful.

''I am sorry I should not have reacted that way,'' I spoke.

''It's okay, want to talk about that day?'' He asks. ''We might not be knowing each other that well,'' he adds. I agree he has told me almost everything about him and his family, but I haven't said anything to him.


Giovanni and Pelumi sat down and decided to talk to each other and know more about each other. Giovanni started by telling Pelumi about his family, his dad, the businesses they own, and the reason he walks with a bodyguard. He went on to explain how he did not say that at first because he feared Pelumi would not want to be his friend anymore. 

''What? it would not have mattered if you told me at first, I still saw you as my friend'' Pelumi assured Giovanni. 

''What is now going on between you and Mia?'' Pelumi asked Giovanni. He needed to know. he needed to know if he tells Giovanni that he likes him there will not be a party that would be affected.

''Oh, that I talked to my dad about it, and he said he will deal with that no more arranged dates,'' Giovanni said. Pelumi could not help but feel at ease. but he does not know if it's the right time to tell him, so he decided to ask him that one question he has been wanting to know the answer to. Or tells him that he likes him, and his reaction would be the answer to the question he had. After drinking coffee, Pelumi decides to tell him.

''Giovanni,'' he said slowly ''I really like you.'' He continues. looking straight into his eyes. ''I do not know how these feelings started developing but I know that I like you and I like you very much and I understand if you say no or if you do not like boys it's okay, I just felt like I needed to tell you about it because it's killing me inside. And thinking about you every time, I cannot help it,'' Pelumi said removing all the burden he had inside. After his confession there was silence. Pin-drop silence. Just two people looking at each other and their breathing could be heard. 

Giovanni could not hold it anymore and he took a step backward. He did not expect that Pelumi would confess his feelings to him. He had thought of Pelumi liking him. But not just as friends but as something else. He has never allowed those thoughts again but here he was in reality.

''I-I do not know what to say.'' Giovanni finally said. ''I mean I have never thought that you would like me this much and..'' He started shaking and sweating Pelumi noticed and he held him by his face and directed his face to look at him.

''It's okay Giovanni.'' He said in whispers ''it's okay do not think about it that much.'' He pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back slowly. Saying words of assurance. It's okay. And Giovanni relaxed.

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