24. Together

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Once our lips smashed together, Joseph moaned into the kiss. Immediately, one of his large hands went to the back of my head to keep me locked in place and the other laid on my hip. All my rational thoughts I've ever had went out the window as I continued to kiss him, a fire building deep inside my stomach as our lips moved in sync. Joseph deepened the kiss, bringing me closer until both of our chests touched. His beard tickled my chin, top lip, and cheeks while our tongues fought for dominance. My face, and pretty much my entire body, was feeling hot. But before we could go any further, Joseph pulled away.

"Why did you stop?" I whimpered softly, the cool air fanning my warm, swollen lips. My hands were still on his cheeks as we both stared deeply into each other's eyes. His eyes were darker than usual, lust filling them, as were mine. "You don't want me?" I questioned, a little hurt at his rejection.

"No. No. I wanted that, but—" Joseph spoke, but stopped himself, chewing on his bottom lip. "I just... I don't want to sin and disappoint God."

"We're not if we're just kissing." I told him, a tiny bit sad at his response, but I'd never admit that to him.

"That's true. But I'm afraid that we'd get too caught up in the moment—"

"Joseph, we won't. I promise. I wouldn't let it get that far if you didn't want to." I disclosed, my hands gently caressing his face.

Joseph nodded in response, "Okay." And he stood up before he leaned down and brought his chapped lips to mine, his big hands traveling from my neck down to my hips. "You're so beautiful." He murmured against my lips.

My fingers went from his cheeks to his shoulders, then his chest. "Joseph." I moaned into our kiss. "I don't want this to end."

"I don't want this to end either." He admitted after pulling away. "Lay down on my bed with me?"

I smiled up at him, "Yeah." The word escaped my lips without me having to even think about it.

As he took my hand gently, he allowed me on his bed first then followed me. I quickly noticed how soft his mattress and bedsheets were. It was so relaxing... We were facing each other on his bed as he held me as close as he could, and all we did was embrace each other and gaze in the other's eyes. Our hands were interlocked, and it felt so right. This moment will be something I could never forget. All I could feel at that moment was happiness. Everything felt perfect.

"You're so beautiful." Joseph told me again, his eyes evident with so much admiration.

I giggled and blushed at his words, "You've told me that already."

"I know. I just can't help myself." Joseph gave me a lop-sided smile.

"I'm sorry for all that I've done. For everything... Your Project... Causing the world to end... And Jacob..."

Joseph nodded as he closed his now tear-filled eyes.

And all I could do is internally face-palm for ruining this cute moment. "I really am sorry, Joseph. I regret all that I've done to you and your family." I apologized whole-heartedly, tears filling my eyes as well. All I could think to do is kiss his cheek in an attempt to comfort him. As I pulled away, he spoke.

"I know, sweetheart. I know." Joseph whispered, his eyes still closed. But when he opened them, his ocean blue eyes had tears still evident in them. "And I forgive you, darling."

"If I could take it all back, I would." I admitted with my head down, trying my best to avoid his eyes and feeling ashamed as tears rolled down both my cheeks uncontrollably. "I'm so, so sorry."

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